While it has not been asked, I absolutely believe the Holy Spirit is active in our lives today and even guides our thoughts as to those things profitable for the work of God around us. I currently believe the writers of our bible were inspired by the Holy Spirit and I believe the Holy Spirit is currently, yes in 2012, inspiring many people in exactly the same way. In something I wrote not long ago, I used much liberty in announcing this belief and actually wrote something like, "caught up in the spirit I find it necessary to write the following," and there were questions asked as to whether I was on drugs or some new medicine. The point, probably delivered in this way because I knew the reader did not believe, was how I believe God still speaks to His people and through His people. It is not about whether I am or right or wrong but rather the expression of a belief I hold.
A similar belief was expressed to me by one of my "lunch" friends in saying I write way too much when trying to convey a simple thought and most will probably believe she is correct. I simply like to write and feel a need to make some sort of transition to the subject at hand, "Why Do People Hate Christians," asked today in class.
When reading the questions, I usually finish reading and simply start talking with the expectation of God helping me to say what is necessary for discussion or thought and today the thought came quickly, "take out your bibles and turn to Romans two."
Verses 23 and 24 seemed to jump out at me and so I began my answer with these two scriptures, "You who brag about the law, do you dishonor God by breaking the law? As it is written: "God's name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you," and I believe the truth of this coming to me at this time from the Holy Spirit speaks to why we are hated as a people.
An earlier question concerning why people want to predict the end of the world was answered with the concept/belief of some people simply wanting to feel superior/smarter than others. I think, as Christians, we have often left this impression, with our "bragging," of being superior to others. We know the "Good News" of what has been provided and yet the "Good News" we share is YOU ARE LOST AND GOING TO HELL!
Even as these words come into thought, I find it hard to believe how many people of my past heard this terrible news from my lips. I'm still not sure why any Christian needs to reference the sin or "assumed" sin of another individual but it has to be something related to a desire of superiority of position. Even if the belief of everyone going to hell with the exception of my one specific little group was true, I have to understand the action of telling someone else they are condemned can't possibly be the right path to helping them understand the "Good News" from God. The message, the example (if we need one) from Acts 2 is not, "you are all condemned," but rather look what took place followed by, "what must I do."
One thing really bothering me about this question is the idea of those not being connected with the church actually not being on my radar when considering how we are treated as Christians. The ones often causing us the most concern or showing the most hatred of Christian men and women seem to be those with a professed love of God and the Christian way of life. I see the struggles we have within our own church congregations and the failures we have of living/worshiping together as a body of Christ and I wonder how we can go to our bibles week after week and then treat those who love God so poorly. Possibly, this was the focus and reasoning behind the statement to do good to all of mankind and particularly the believers.
Even if the thought of helping someone grow closer to God is the actual motivating force behind our actions and condemnation of our brothers and sisters, it would seem we would soon rise to a level of maturity capable of realizing how our condemnation is not effective and simply allowing others to see the joy in our lives and the work of Christ lived out in our lives would be more effective. In considering this, I am also drawn back the passage in Romans and realize the way we treat those of our own number is constantly on display for all to see and we actually bring a dishonorable view of God to those who see us fighting and condemning each other for "wrong" beliefs.
Having discussed my way around the possibility of some wanting to feel superior and even making comparisons of themselves with others to "prove" their own level of salvation, I am suddenly prompted to return once again to my opening comments for my current solution or believe of why this is happening among believers.
Our actions promoting a feverish attempt to "save" the lost and make sure others understand the "true" will of God show we do not have a belief in the Holy Spirit completing the work of God on earth. We become "reason enough" for not wanting anything to do with Christianity and, as I mentioned recently in another writing, it can't be possible for the Holy Spirit to be responsible for the bringing of salvation because it seems to good to be true. In all of this, the concept or belief of someone not receiving salvation due to a failure on our part is something I grew up believing and still struggle with today.
Though I may be wrong, I can't believe God allows the mortality of man to keep someone from the salvation He provided. The song, "No One Ever Mentioned Him To Me," might be true enough regarding the interaction of man to man but I fully believe the Holy Spirit has offered opportunity after opportunity for everyone to make the choice of being with God and being an heir to the promises of God.
The Holy is Spirit is doing His part (100%) and I am doing my part (0% of value), simply because I want others to know what has, is and will be taking place.