Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Issue I See Being Missed in the Same Sex Marriage Decision

I would suggest as I start to write my thoughts, how the issue of same sex marriage will be seen from each side as they have always seen it in the past. While I assume this is the case, I will pray for people to see the issue as God would want them to see. The sad thing, is that I nor anyone writing on the subject has the mind and knowledge to know the absolutes of God’s mind and without such knowledge, I believe we can only do our best to approach God as much like He would like us to be.

As I have read various comments and listened to many people talk and discuss the decision by our Supreme Court recently, I find myself disgusted because I just don’t think our Supreme Court has any business dealing with this issue defining marriage. It is my belief they have been manipulated to side against the dominant religious beliefs of our country, thinking they are protecting the rights of those outside of this thought. Instead of addressing the issue of how same sex couples were being treated in society, relative to work, health benefits, and other options available to married heterosexuals, they chose to redefine a word having been defined way before modern civilization.

In dealing with the issues common in the discussion, I continue to hear and see the idea of various sins not being taken as seriously as the sin of homosexuality. Various references have been made to the many things in the Bible we are told are sinful disgusting behaviors and yet the emphasis is always that Christians are simply pushing a hateful agenda against homosexual people and the decision by court was viewed as a victory by many. Yes, there are many people far to the left and right of this issue and in both camps, there is absolute hate toward each other.

As a Christian, I feel really bad for anyone who embraces sin in their lives and I believe this is what the context of the biblical passages put forth on both sides deal with when we hear that “these will not inherit the kingdom of God!” As I said earlier, I am not gifted with the mind of God and it is also not my position on earth to judge another and tell them they are lost. On the other hand, I do feel it is my position to stand and confirm my belief of what constitutes sin when faced with the challenge to be accepting of sin or embrace it myself. I also think this would definitely influence who I hired and who I chose to work for in my daily life. I’ve heard people say, “I was born this way,” and I always want to reply, “You are absolutely correct because we were all born to be challenged by sin and Satan will find the one that tempts you the most.”

I mentioned embracing sin earlier and I see this as a major issue concerning some homosexual individuals. As a Christian, I do not wake up each day to harass people about the sin in their life or mistakes I think they might be making because I am challenged daily by the temptation of sin in my life and the mistakes I make regularly. Having spent time in the position of restaurant manager and more time as a teacher, I’ve seen much sadness and hurt from choices people make. I’ve known workers coming to work each day and stealing a little at a time from the company. I’ve known of those who “secretly” led a life of sexual frolicking and drunkenness away from school and work. I’ve suspected and later became aware of teachers with drug problems. It seems like we hear of some teacher almost weekly who can’t resist the temptation of their students as sexual partners and yet each of these people WAS BORN THAT WAY! The difference, in my opinion, is that they are discovered when they lose the struggle of temptation and we don’t see them out embracing and lobbying for the rights to be considered normal. As a Christian employer, do I maintain people who come to work drunk, on drugs, to steal, to curse constantly, to be sexually promiscuous, who dress obscenely, and many others. No, while I feel for them and know God still loves them, I can’t embrace who they are when they are around me.

Having said all of this, I do not fear the homosexual community any more than I fear those who I believe are making other mistakes in their lives. What I fear is the natural result of hate and personal selfishness. I believe this decision has opened the gate for the assertion of “rights” at a much higher level than we have already seen in the past and I will not even be allowed any decision to live the life I think I should strive towards as a Christian. I’ve always held that a private business should have the right to serve anyone they wish and for any reason, even if it is extreme prejudice! I hear someone talk about a great eating establishment and I’m instantly ready to give them a try. Someone else tells me about a bad experience they had at another place, and I’m very hesitant to walk through the doors. If a private business has enough bad publicity, they will not be in business very long.  If I want to petition an openly gay person from attending the neighborhood public high school or university, I should be told to mind my own business because they have as much right to be there as I do. If on the other hand, ian openly gay person wants to attend a private Christian school with a belief contrary to homosexual behavior, the school should be allowed to deny admission. I say “openly,” because I currently work for a private Christian school and have never heard anyone question someone as to their “orientation” and believe it possible or likely for someone attracted physically to those of their own sex to be attending private Christian schools.

When I think of my church family, I wonder how all of this will affect our future as a Christian denomination. I’ve seen people for years simply welcome people into our services regardless of who they might be. I’ve even championed the idea that if you are looking for perfect people you have come to the wrong place because we are struggling in our own lives and simply come together for strength and encouragement. The odd part of this scenario is that we pray and support people in their daily commitment to stay away from their sin. I’ve known leaders in the church who were alcoholics and not always successful in their attempts to remain sober. I’ve known those with drug problems and again, not always successful in their attempts. All of these people recognize their sin before God and are working not to be that person. I have also known one homosexual falling into the same category of working to be “what I believe God wants them to be,” and yet I fear those I know who want to control the church community and establish for all that sex between individuals of the same sex is normal and God ordained love.

The word love brings an entirely different thought forward because all of us are to love with the most powerful form of love towards everyone regardless of being male or female. Can we define love any more powerful than the love God had for us to give us His son as a sacrifice and then for Jesus to match the love of His father and actually go to the cross willingly so we could be forgiven our sins? Over the past days, I can’t even imagine how many times I’ve heard something concerning love wins! No one has ever been forbidden to love someone and I would say the truest love is much deeper and purer than sexual love! I heard one individual on a news story say this ruling was much more than sex because he would now be able to be there at the bedside of XXXXXX when he was needed. Does the definition of marriage need to be changed to guarantee someone the ability to aid, assist, or love an ill or dying person?

I guess what really begins to irritate me is the idea that someone wants to change my religious perspective so that I accept what is being done as being in accordance with God’s will. I even heard a statement to that effect on the news recently of how God was now pleased. I’ve been a “caustic” Christian and had many things I was taught as a youth destroyed and while I might have fought all the way, I came to a new understanding. My real struggle now is the belief of not being able to believe, speak and act on the things I think are right before God.

I’ve been rambling to get the thoughts out of my head and yet my realization is how the government, once again stepping in to “solve” an issue, has done more harm than good. Our founding fathers did not give us the rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness but basically said these were ours as rights from God. I believe our Supreme Court, much less in ability of mind than our founding fathers, has now established the right not to be offended by the beliefs of others. Instead of holding true to the concept of never being able to please all of the people all of the time, they decided we will pick our group to please.