Sunday, May 31, 2009
Somthing New
In this group, members will be able to have each posting delivered right to their email box or choose to read from the website address. With the groups I have participated in over the past years, I set my preference to email since it is easy enough to highlight everything and dump if I am too busy to participate.
While I believe it will be possible for anyone to read the posts, only members of the group will be able to post since the group is set up to approve membership. I set this group up primarily for those I am in contact with (my home congregation) on a weekly basis but I don't want anyone who enjoys discussing topics relative to our walk with Christ to feel like they are not invited and so all readers of this blog will be the first ones invited, regardless of your worship location or current name on your building (if you have one).
If the group becomes something helpful in your daily walk, I also hope you will invite those each of you know to join with us for discussion. If you do invite someone, I would appreciate knowing you invited them so I can approve their membership.
My immediate concept is to take things we might choose to read or study and discuss them through. Example: Many of us read the book "The Shack" and might have comments about those things written about in the book and I have been desiring for some time to go through Edward Fudge's book "The Fire That Consumes" and discuss the conclusions he has drawn on the final disposition of the wicked.
Regardless of the topic, I hope you will bring things to the site, offering you a chance to participate in a discussion/study and not be restricted to a specific time or location.
I hope to see many of you in the group but if it is not your cup of tea, it is easier to delete the group than create the group and the creation was pretty easy.
Address for this group:
Group home page:
Group email address:
Friday, May 29, 2009
Show Me!
Rarely when the sermon did not actually focus on the "steps to salvation" as it is often called, the sermon would detail the evils of those things in the world of which we did not participate because it would be stepping off the narrow path and we would go directly to hell. I can still hear echos of how sinful it was to use instruments, go dancing, take a drink, celebrate Christmas, smoke, etc,. In other words, I was taught to look like my fellowship instead of being taught to look like Jesus and yes, it was all done in belief of the idea I was being place right in the middle of the narrow path and I would have the best chance of actually succeeding in my walk. Unknown to my teachers at the time, was the fact I was actually being taught to narrow the path I was to walk and end up facing God as one of those who will be saying "Lord, Lord" to which He will reply "I never knew you!"
I have already alluded to Matthew chapter seven and will mention a few things I learned from reading this chapter I never heard taught in all the years I have been sitting in class. An important question to answer came to mind while reading this passage one day; "Does God really want us to believe He has given His son to die the cruel death on the cross and it is now going to be almost impossible for us to walk the path to salvation?" By taking verses 13 and 14 out of context, I was taught hopelessness instead of HOPE! I was taught, as was mentioned in a sermon not long ago, how it was likely I would fail to acheive salvation. I have lived, like many others, the majority of my life wondering if I was good enough to go to heaven instead of, like many of my brothers and sisters attending services behind a variety of names, being able to live a life of joy KNOWING I was going to heaven. Having done like so many, I took the first verse of the chapter out of context, as well, and so it did not go with verses 13 and 14. Just take a good look in context to what is actually said and you will see it begins with judge not, or you too will be judged and then tells you how the real judge will use the same measure to judge us. When I keep reading the material inbetween verse one and verses 13 and 14, I discover the apostle Paul (Romans 14) was actually trying to keep us from creating a path so narrow we would not be able to follow when he told us to not condemn the convictions of each other.
By now, if the reader is anything like me, there is curiosity as to the reason for my title and this introduction has all been given to mention the "stupid" poll I had on the blog which ran way too long and truly needed other options since it ended up being biased from the beginning. What it did allow is for me to report we had at least five people choose the most absurd choice. If I had created another option describing how ridiculous the poll was, I hope these five people would have made another choice. Considering the cause of Christ, those who are facing condemnation, those who desperately need Jesus in their lives, five people chose the option stating they were not willing to do anything specfically not authorized in the bible and this was the "official" response I was taught in my bible school training. In fact, when something was done in the area of "not being authorized," no bible verse saying we should do it, I would be one of the first ones running to the elders and saying "how can you allow this to happen."
Sitting back, for a second, it is easy to realize God was faced with a similar question, "what are You willing to do for sinful man," and His answer was "I am willing to give the life of my only son!" When I consider the magnitude of this gift, how can I not be shamed by the beliefs I once held and are still held and argued by many in my fellowship. How can I be upset with someone using a video with instrumental music or even using the actual instruments in an attempt to reach the lost. How can I ignore or object to ANY action coming from the heart of a Christian desiring to touch the lost with the life of Christ? Regardless of how ridiculous it might sound, if I was certain my actions would bring about the recognition of the need for salvation and the decision to accept salvation in the life of someone close to me, I would be willing to do ANYTHING! I would be willing to light a firecracker in the middle of the sermon, I would be willing to pull a trumpet out and play charge! I would be willing to put a funny cartoon in the middle of the preachers PowerPoint! Yes, let's hope I don't discover the absolute solution to someones salvation because someone in the congregation will probably come tackle me and have me hauled off. Until then, we are simply surrounded by so many who with a passion to share Christ are willing to try anything available to us in an attempt to influence the lost of our communities and we have the audacity to say NO you can't do that because it is not authorized!
In my thinking, the really absurd or ridiculous thing in our lives, is that we see what we consider "sawdust" in the eyes of our brother and miss the "plank" in our own eyes. Just in my own congregation, I can see several things not authorized in the bible and many of them were and still are considered sinful innovations by those in my fellowship.
Just take your bible off the shelf, blow a little dust from the cover and then SHOW ME where we have authorization in the bible for the "sinful" innovations of owning a building, having a kitchen, having song books, having harmony for our songs, as ridiculous as it sounds, singing praises to God (New Testament please), hiring a preacher (not pay someone sharing the Gospel but being located in one spot), using PowerPoint, using a pitch pipe, having bible classes, owning a "church van," taking communion to the shut-ins, providing batismal garments, having fans or air conditioning, purchasing bible materials, and the list could go even further. It is obvious to me how I have not played by the rules I stressed were a matter of salvation. If I claim I will not do anything not authorized in the bible, I am easily proven an idiot in my thinking by those who I might influence and lose any chance to help so many who might be desiring a relationship with Christ.
If, on the other hand, I choose the example of the apostle Paul and eagerly seek out becoming whatever is necessary for the cause of Christ (doing), I will be showing only one thing to those I might influence. I will be showing/demonstrating the value of Gods gift to us; the life of His son!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Liberalism and Conservatism
The church congregations of my youth viewed worship time in much the same light as I view the game Monopoly. Those who taught me the bible were concerned with my spiritual awakening to the need of Jesus for salvation and they poured over the scriptures daily trying to make sure every detail was in place for my walk down the narrow path. I was instructed on how many would walk this path and yet few of those setting out would actually be received into Heaven on judgment day. I was led to believe the path was so narrow only a few would get it right and the rest of civilization, even those with a heart close to God like King David, would burn in the fires of hell. I have even been told by members of my own fellowship, how David, the man after God's own heart, will also perish in the fires of hell for not being right! The seemingly obvious question coming to my mind when hearing this is "where do these people get this view?"
The reason it is hard for me to get family members to play Monopoly is because I have a terrible time trying to control my temper when rules are adjusted by those playing to accommodate their likes and dislikes. In much the same way, I have heard of those who are hurt, upset, frustrated, etc., with me writing about my past and current spiritual growth. While I do not believe our walk with Christ can be compared to a game of Monopoly, the illustration shows (in my mind) the reality of what has taken place in our lives. I was taught from the earliest of age how we are to be a people of the bible and how we only speak where the bible speaks. I was taught how we need to be able to provide BCV (book, chapter and verse) for everything we do or we are wrong like the rest of those who are simply chasing after their own desires and participating in sinful things. While I don't view the bible as a "rule book," I do understand the view of the bible in this manner since it is what I was taught and my shame was in being caught teaching rules which did not exist. Place two "by the rules" people together and it will not be long before one challenges the other to support the rule with the rule book.
I used to keep Hoyle close by to reference when playing various other games and when a rule is challenged, I go to the book for proof. When discovering the correction, the godly thing to do is apologize for not understanding and then get on with the game. Changing games, I have played Spades for several years and it has become common to start the game with, "what rules do you play by." Those playing understand the basic rules of the game and yet many people have altered the game so much from what is written in Hoyle it becomes necessary to establish the "tradition" of the group up front. Coming into a game like this, I would understand the group does not play by Hoyle and therefore not challenge an action with the rule book. I either choose to play with the group or decline.
Being trained in such conservative thought, my early years as a Christian simply accepted the bible as the rule book and I repeated the rules I had been taught from the beginning. Similar to those playing card and board games not desiring to read the rules for themselves, most of us just would rather not take time and read the bible for ourselves. Often when I would read the bible, I would read with the "rule-master" (commentary) sitting beside my bible to explain those things not saying what I think they should be saying. I would even go to others and ask them to explain it to me since we do have an example of "how can I understand if it is not explained to me."
It took many years to discover many of the things I have believed from youth were simply not found in the bible and nothing hurts more or is more shameful than to discover the truth of teaching rules not supported by the book. Having been wrong (will be again), I am now in the process of apologizing for the error I promoted in my youth. My apology in some circles is seen as liberalism of doctrine and yet it is a product of ultra-conservative thinking since the conservative will go to the book and check for himself.
I often have more than one title going around in my mind for a post and this one was almost titled "Bigger Than One Congregation" because the problems I/we face specific to doctrine are not simply a local issue but one plaguing the church all over our country and possibly world. I fully expect we will see those congregations of saints in other parts of the world develop traditions in their locations and eventually argue over "holding to the truth." In many places, we can now see this issue has been settled, evidenced by the acknowledgment of a traditional service and a contemporary service. These groups have gotten past the "wrong way, right way" syndrome where you are not of my fellowship and now have, in my thinking, appropriately designated "the things I like, the things you like" method of coming together as brothers and sisters. Some would consider this very liberal and yet it is very conservative in nature since what is not defined in the bible is not used to divide.
The song "Bind Us Together" just ran through my mind and so I will end this post with thoughts from the song. The verse is sung "bind us together with cords that cannot be broken" and finishes with "bind us together with love." The problem of my past is the binding cords not described in this song. The cords of a rule book can and have been broken time and time again and this is especially true when the book has the additions of our tradition. I/we are all failures and yet, we can be bound in love for each other. If we truly bind ourselves in love, nothing will have the power to divide. How awesome I think it would be if the "game" we played was not church but rather the "love game" where the only rules were to love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself. In this game, we would see everyone diligently striving to demonstrate more love in his/her life than the next person and when the game is over, JESUS won and we all had the joy of the game!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Light and Dark
While looking at your bio I noticed you are a teacher, so I wanted to know where you teach. I did some internet research and found the website for Westbury Christian School. I noticed that the band director’s picture and name are the same as the person writing this blog. It states in your bio from the Westbury Christian School,“(Mr. Smith) worship(s) with the Church of Christ in Deer Park where he is the deacon charged with coordinating the singing for the church.”
If you wanted to know something about me, all you have to do is ask because, unlike the post you made, I have chosen not to work in darkness. I am who I am and have no fear to speak for the cause of Christ with my name. I love those of my church family and this includes those who believe along the same lines as myself and those who desire not to get updates to my blog.
I am so surprised that you are a leader in this church considering the extremism I’m reading in this blog. Are your church Elders aware of what you are writing?
To some, I am a leader, but leadership is not defined so easily by a term. To some I am a leader and will be a leader regardless of a title placed along side my name and yet I also recognize the path I lead through will not be followed by some. I was asked by the one man I consider to be my greatest mentor (who does not necessarily agree with what I say) why I sent out notification of my blog to everyone and it answers your question about whether my elders are aware of my writing. I explained how I did not want the things I was saying to be taken as gossip and hidden from all but those who have the same belief of these things as myself. The only ones unaware of my writings in the congregation are those without internet access or without a desire to read what I write. If there is extremism in my thinking, I also believe it would be easy to take the Word of God and show me the specifics of my error. I am most definitely extremely opposed to the will of man trumping God or inventing the will of God where none exists.
It sounds like you are working very hard to create division in this congregation (not denomination…churches of Christ are not denominations)! You have expounded about the lies and wickedness taught by others in the church.
The last thing I want from my denomination is more division and yes, we do not get the option of defining ourselves as you are still inclined to do because whenever a congregation takes on a name used by another group and has a similiar orthodoxy, they will be grouped together. It is too bad being the Church is just not good enough but men fight over the words of men and we have denominational lines drawn from non-acceptance and recognition of the work God performs in the lives of others. When you write your last sentence above, you make me believe you are from the organization I have now written two blogs to discuss, House to House, since your writing reflects the attitude and position I found evident on their website. Your response is also much like the replys members of my congregation have been getting when asking questions through the House to House website. Whether you represent only yourself or others in an organization is unknown, because, unlike myself, you have chosen to write/walk in darkness rather than light. If I have mentioned anyone teaching lies and wickedness in my own congregation, I hope they will tell me so that I can repent of such error! Having said this, however, I freely admit I still fight daily with the wickedness and lies attempting to consume me and believe every other member of my congregation have the same challenges as I/they attempt to bring lives into agreement with the will of Christ.
You speak of doing anything to spread the message of Christ without any permission or hindrance, yet as I read your blog, I read anger and bitterness in your words! You sound like you are working very hard to bring reproach upon the church of Christ in Deer Park.
I definitely do not believe I/we need any permission to spread the good news of Christ and the love of writing seems to be one of the gifts given to me to advance this news among others. My goal in my writing has been to show the transformation of my life (still taking place) in Christ from the formerly condemning nature of my fellowship to the rejuvenation taking place in so congregations of the churches of Christ across the country. I find it very difficult not to be bitter or angry as I realize how this has been part of my training I received in bible school for so long and yet I now realize this training was not done to purposely deceive me or anyone else. It was done because of a sickness, I call tradition, becoming the idol or focus of our worship. This disease, like cancer, was consuming my life and is still consuming those who have been attacked much longer than myself. As chemotherapy will often fight the cancer in a patient, the truth brought out into the open concerning the confession of my past life brings recognition to those, like our youth group who are actually matured into Christ free of our "traditional" disease! No, i desire not reproach to those suffering but rather the encouragement needed to lift the leadership of tomorrow who have already taken leadership today as they show us all what the reality of worshipping in spirit and truth.
You obviously don’t like the directional leadership of your Elders, so I must ask why you don’t just go to Grace Community church or Lakewood church, or get a group of your likeminded bloggers together and start a congregation of your own?
Are you calling for division? It sure sounds like it and yet I believe this is something a Christian should not encourage. If you do not know the elders in my congregation, I wish you did because they are some of the most godly men you will ever meet. I have the utmost respect and love for these men and yet I am not ignorant of the fact I would never be able to find a group of men to which I am in 100% agreement. Knowing these men, I believe their hearts to 100% pure in their desire to lead and shepherd the flock in Deer Park and I strongly believe God will use them, myself and others in the congregation for the good of His will. They are men, like myself, and will make mistakes in their walk but they are, without any doubt in my mind, everything we have describing what an elder should be given in the Bible and my goal is to work with them, using my gifts to the best of my abilities, as we all spread the good news of what Christ has done in our lives.
You speak of the mean things you have said in your early ignorance of accepting things that “man” has taught (not the Bible)…yet you supply more “man” words and links to more “man” words than to the actual inspired words of the Bible. How do you distinguish that these words of men you are now reading are truthful?
The answer to this question is really quite simple because all I have to do is check and see if the words written by man represent what is written in the Bible. The "man-words" of my youth took various passages of the Bible and linked them, with an UNAUTHORIZED hermeunetic known as CENI to create law for God. When someone says the use of instruments in worship is wrong or takes the "official" passages of scripture in Ephesians and Colossians to show the "approved" form of music in worship, basic word comprehension of what is written in the Bible shows the exact opposite. The history of my fellowship, whether I like it or not, is one where we pick and choose around those things God has left unsaid and then condemn another for not picking and choosing the same direction as the other. No, we don't allow each other to be non-denominational but rather require, through the threat of condemnation, all to be EXACTLY the same!
I realize that the Elders of the church of Christ in Deer Park can’t stop your right to free speech, but hopefully they’ve already removed you as a deacon. I went to the Deer Park church website and could not find a list of deacons.
Like all of our deacons, we meet with the elders each year to discuss the aspect of our ministry and to determine if we are still happy with our area of service. My elders know I am available to be used as they desire to encourage and lift others in our congregation. I love singing and the more traditional the approach to singing, the happier I am to continue. My challenge in this area has been what I used to consider "innovations" to singing which was destroying (my belief) the great singing of my youth. Some time in my future, the elders (possibly me) will find someone more passionate and more "on the ball" than myself to serve in this capacity. Until then, I simply will give my very best to making sure the singing at Deer Park will be the most effective to the congregation as is within my ability.
If the Elders haven’t taken strict action, then they must surely agree with what you have written.
This statement again makes me believe you are associated with House to House because it is consistent with their approach and the responses our membership have been getting from those responding for the organization. I would assume no such belief of my elders about agreeing with my writing but have (right or wrongly) assumed their decision not to address my writing with me has something to do with their level of spirituality and knowledge of Romans 14. I hope and pray they understand the level of esteem and respect I have for them in their chosen area of service.
"So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God. Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way." Romans 14:12-13 NIV
Yes, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God and though your words are like those of my past, I will not doubt the motive of your heart to bring me closer to God. Your words were an attempt by Satan to place a stumbling block in my way but God has allowed them to be a source of encouragement and the words of this blog have come easy this morning. I hope the words I have been led to write will help some who might not find the stumbling block so easy to step over.
I will be praying for your Elders, your family, your church family, your blog followers, and for you. I hope your actions speak more of Christian love than do your words!
I appreciate your offer of prayer and seek for God to work in all of our lives for His good purpose. I continue to work on my actions and my words so they will reflect the work Christ has done in me and will pray for continued guidance in my life. I also stopped writing long enough to pray for you and the sickness I feel is devouring the life and effectiveness you might have for Christ away from you in your life. I see my past in you and look for the freedom found in Christ to eventually have fullness in your life so we can work together for the cause of Christ instead of researching the identity of those who know Christ to discover the error we ALL have!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
The Counterfeit Church Of My Youth
The reader might get as far as "The Devil's Bible" and if they do, they will be ready and looking for the preaching they expect from my denomination and see "Foolishness 6:6: One drink will do no harm" and condemn us for preaching something the bible does not preach. While it is easy to see drunkeness as wrong in the bible, self-righteous men create the notion that drinking alcohol is contrary to the will of God. If not placed in the trash can already, "2 Opinions 2:4: One church is as good a another; therefore, attend the church of your choice" will surely drive the person looking for Christ away from my congregation.
Having been part of worship in so many differing denominations, I can claim with all confidence how all of them believe and accept the declaration of there only being ONE CHURCH presented in scripture. I wish the paper and various publications would speak the truth concerning the Church and tell people how all of our denominations (mine included) are filled with sinners who are attempting to take some measure of control in their lives and pattern their lives after Christ. I wish they would be honest with the reader and tell how each group is often controlled more by their tradition than the will of God though their hearts are honest and focused in their efforts to be pleasing to God. I wish the writers would show integrity by admitting the church is found not in a specific denominational membership list but rather in those God has added to His church.
If I was writing the article, I would encourage those seeking God to study for themselves and assemble with other believers looking to please God in their lives. I would encourage them to find a group of believers who they might feel comfortable with based on their maturity in Christ. I would tell everyone how I used to believe my denomination was the "True Church" the one and only described in the bible until I read the bible for myself and found tradition, not the word of God controlled our Orthodoxy. I would tell them honesty demands me to claim any of the groups meeting behind a variety of signs is likely as good as any other because they all contain those who are of the one true Church described in the bible. If we are really looking for the deception from Satan concerning choosing a congregation, it would have to be the deception I learned as a child stating the building with the name Church of Christ was where the REAL church established by God met on Sunday.
At this point in the blog, I feel like the reformed smoker who upon entering a room where smoking has taken place has to leave and find fresh air. Yes, my realization of what is taking place in this newsletter is pretty negative but only because I understand the deceit having trapped me into this pattern in the past.
"Don't Accept a Counterfeit" weighs heavy on my heart because I used to tell others this complete nonsense about their being only one church and how it was the one I attended! I still believe in only one church but understand it is not defined by the denominational name Church of Christ, Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran , Catholic etc. It is defined by God and not men! This article would have us believe there is one true church and many counterfeits and yet, having been in so many different denominations, I have yet to be in one meeting the definition of counterfeit. There are those different from mine but no less focused on Christ and what He did for those meeting the definition of sinner.
This article says we must make sure we have found the original and then mentions three teaching errors of my youth listed below and not supported in scripture.
1. The church of our membership must teach the plan of salvation. (I haven't been in one of the denominations which does not teach Jesus died to forgive our sins yet all view the details of how this takes place a little different because of various statements in the bible)
2. The church must worship on the proper day. (No support in the bible)
3. The church must worship the proper way. (No support in the bible)
The reader might not think I believe in "counterfeit christians/congregation" but it is something I believe only too well since I have been part of them in my youth. Counterfeit followers of God are not new and can also be seen all through the bible. We can see examples of people worshipping the way they had been taught (correct) and yet their worship is not acceptable because their hearts are far from God.
The counterfeit I fear is returning to a pattern of worship demanded from tradition, not God, where, as one comment put it, our worship or orthodoxy from tradition becomes the idol of our worship and not God. Yes, the counterfeit, the idol of the majority of my life has been doing all of the right things the right way on the right day of the week and saying I have been worshipping!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
While I can be wrong on any given point, I would question why anyone would read more into the statements above than what is actually said. I mentioned an activity on Saturday before Mother's Day and an activity this past Sunday; nothing more. I am curious as to whether anyone would make the claim some day, because of these sentences, of how I go to Monument Inn every Saturday prior to Mother's Day and spend every Sunday having lunch at the Hunan restaurant?
In my thinking, it seems ridiculous to make a bold declaration of this "assumed" fact based on these statements and yet, for most of my Christian life, I have heard these assumptions proclaimed more times than I am able to count in reference to sharing communion with each other.
For many still controlled by the tradition I grew up with, the thought of participating in communion on any day other than Sunday is a foreign idea to consider. When I first discovered this concept for myself, I also discovered how many in our fellowship have figured this out for themselves. Many are beginning to offer communion on Sunday and other days desired by the people in the congregation. If anyone is interested in reading comments from an elder/preacher associated with my fellowship who has written extensively on this subject, I would recommend
going to and reading about what is said and not said concerning communion practice. In his topical index of "Lord's Supper," he has written many other papers discussing this issue and also answering the many questions those wrapped up in the traditions of man are quick to use in challenging any deviation from our past in this matter.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Old God/New God
13Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching. 1 Timothy 4:13 NIV
14But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, 15and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:14-17
I used to make the statement about not living under the Old Testament used above because I was trained to understand the Bible in two parts; the old law/covenant and the New Testament/covenant. When we discuss many of the traditions held for years in my fellowship, justification for believing or reasoning came from what is said (I should say left unsaid) in the New Testament and "we are not under the Old Law" became the immediate answer to any questions about something being commanded or used/mentioned in the Old Testament.
This blog was almost called "The Bible (Man's Version of God's Word" because of the reasoning that has taken place in my fellowship concerning the Old and New Testament. First, I see a big difference in the Old Covenant and the New Covenant (if you really want label them in this way) and the Old and New Testament. One of the most important things I have to consider up front is how this designation, defining a level of importance relative to God' word, has any authority at all (for those of you needing authority of God for every held belief), and also the fact that the New Testament did not exist when Paul wrote the comments to Timothy quoted above.
There is much more to the Old Testament than the law of Moses and much more to the New Testament than the message of Jesus coming into the world to forgive our sin. Timothy is told "from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus" and Paul is talking about scripture we now have in our bibles labeled "Old Testament." This scripture, the Word of God is able to make us wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus and since the beginning of my training in Sunday school, I have been taught how it was the Old and we are under the NEW! How many times have I had professing Christians tell me, as FACT, we don't have any authority from the Old Testament. They have been pretty slick in their terminology because if they were to say we have nothing to learn from the Old Testament, we might as well rip it from our bibles.
At this point, I can remember more than one in my fellowship who have often stated, "how many times does God need to say something for it to be true? For me, if He says it once, that is good enough!" This is true enough for those things REPEATED in the New Testament but just bring up anything not meeting our tradition and, you guessed it "we are not under the Old Testament and under the New Testament (some times they will slip and say law) God does not give us instruction in the activity.
23Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. 24And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Hebrews 10:23-24 NIV
Paul told Timothy that ALL scripture was God-breathed and useful "so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work" and the Hebrews passage above reminds us that we are to consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. It seems obvious the scripture (Word of God) used to meet the needs of those living during the first century was the Old Testament. Yes, they were no longer under the Law of Moses, but they did use the scripture to define their life unto righteousness.
I mentioned earlier the possible title of this blog and yes, if men had not come along many years later and decided to label God's Word (the Scriptures) Old and New, we would only have scripture and the arguments prevailing through my fellowship for so many years would not be uttered without being severely refuted as nonsense. I have stated more than once we have "man-created" doctrine and though I will not even begin to suggest we are responsible for adding titles of Old and New to God's Word, I will state I am in agreement with the apostle Paul and ALL scripture is from God and useful for instructing us about God and His will for us in creation.
In conclusion, God's will for the lives of His people has never changed. He has always desired a loving people choosing to live a righteous life. God's plan from the beginning encounter with Adam in the garden until now has never changed. Jesus would be our source of salvation, forgiving all sin. God's Word, the scripture we have abused for too long begins (in my bible) at Genesis and ends with Revelation and MEN not God are the ones who want to define some scripture less valuable than the rest to our training.
I could say there is an Old God and a New God just like men have said there is an Old Testament and a New Testament but our scripture is either of God or not and if we say from God (like I do), then God says much more to us than my fellowship has accepted in the past. I had someone ask me just the other day why I did not believe in what the bible says and my answer is simple. I absolutely believe in everything the bible says! What I don't believe is what so many have told me the bible says which can't be found!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Why Would Any Volunteer?
One thing seems certain in how every thing not meeting the perfection we think should take place comes back appearing to be their fault. The men accepting this challenge have placed themselves out in front of all of us to view as examples and yet being human, they would acknowledge they will make mistakes. I know we pray for these men but I think we also need to take it a step further, realizing how wonderful they are for accepting this challenge, and examine everything we can do to make their life for Christ a life of joy in service. When looking back at myself, which is the intended purpose of my blog, I think it is also important to remember first and foremost how these men not only accepted this challenge but they did so being recognized as the most mature, spiritual and godly men available to serve in this capacity. Our elders have never to my knowledge been anything other than men meeting the definition of these words and the qualifications laid out for being an elder in Christ's church.
One of the first things to consider is whether I am using the talents God has given me or am I sitting back waiting on someone else to get me going. Over the years, I think we have placed our elders into a position where all we expect of them is an agenda of things for us to do for God. Many times when something is discussed and presented to us, we choose to think of the things we would rather do and end up doing nothing. When I look at myself, the question seems simple; "why are you not doing the something else you recognize as important?" With each person using their talent(s) to be effective for the work of God, coming up with a "project" for the church would not be a burden and the acknowledged maturity and spirituality of each of them using their talents would be joyful.
Often when we(I) have looked and made association of the actions of Pharisees with those around us, we look to place the title Pharisee on our leaders but I would like to view this from another angle and put the title Pharisee on myself and have the elders in the position of Jesus facing the challenges of the Pharisee. As I see things, the Pharisees were challenging Jesus from their understanding of the law and trying to trap Jesus into a position of going against the law. In other words, they perceived to know the law better than Jesus! I have mentioned we already have the most mature and godly men as elders and yet we(I) go to the elders with our comments concerning things taking place during our worship time. I have been guilty of going to the elders and asking them to stop or do something about something not "authorized" in scripture. The more I think about it, when approached with something like this, the response should probably be along the lines of "and by what authority do I get involved with something of which God has not involved Himself?" As the "Christian" Pharisee, I am not willing to abide by the instruction in Romans 14 and remain silent when someone does something of which I do not approve but rather ask someone else to get involved and stop the "offending" party. I become the "righteous" Pharisee reporting the things wrong with my brothers and sisters and burden the elders with additional hurt.
This challenge I speak of is specifically hurtful because our elders deal with the same issues of things they can do in faith according to Romans 14 as you and I. Jesus, with the complete wisdom of God knew the perfect answer without any challenge to His own faith. When we take things of this nature to our elders, it is much like the children in the family going to mom and dad and saying Susie is not playing fair! The child wants to get the parent in the middle and take sides for a WINNING position. I am no less childish when I go to the elders and say (like I have done) we need to make sure only songs with notes are shown on the screen. I can see now, how I wanted to put them into a "Papal" position of making decisions for the congregation instead of being our spiritual leaders. I become the source of pain and sadness in their lives when I behave like a child and those of us who should be more mature need to keep Romans 14 open and let it guide our lives.
I wonder how much more joyfully they would be in their choice to serve as elders if those like myself would quit asking them to get in the middle and choose sides since they are burdened with the same problems as humans we all face. On the other hand, we are told of the great value in having godly men pray over us and we should take our hurts and pain to them so they can join with us in prayer for the healing of our hearts and life.
It is my opinion we will always have childish or failing Christians when we come together and like the hurt coming at times from our own children, we will continue to bring sadness to our elders at times because we are less than we can be. What I hope from my own children is for them to recognize I am doing the very best to be the parent God expects from me. I would hope we all recognize our elders are doing and will do their very best to represent the will of God to all of us.
My prayer for us is to do the best we can to bring as much joy and as little pain to our elders as we all seek to be the talented person God has created for His purpose. In doing so, we will clear their plate of so much making their life difficult.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
A Response
Hey Mike, this is not aimed at you, but more at the collective conversations buzzing around that I have been hearing lately.
One of the reasons I began writing the blog was because the nature of our humanity causes us to talk about things in our “private” circles and for years in my life, these topics which I think affect the overall health of the group eat away and end up creating dissension among individuals.
I have a concern about the tone of some of the things I'm hearing and reading, and it's not directly related to doctrine or what is or isn't permitted.
If what you are hearing has not been related to doctrine or what is or is not permitted, then it is still in the realm of things I haven’t heard. Everything mentioned in my presence has dealt with things that people believe should be forbidden or allowed and my opinion is that we have gotten off task when this becomes a consideration. Two examples of this have been women praying in the congregation during prayer time and the playing of a DVD with instrumental music background. Our tradition has taken the bible and developed doctrine to condemn both of these things taking place. What has not been stated often enough is that if we do not like these things it is alright but don’t speak out against those who participate and initiate them.
I think it is a blessing to realize the liberty and grace that God gives to us, and to understand the difference between tradition and God's will. However, being blessed with a true understanding also requires that we have tolerance for those who study, and pray, and do their best to understand what God wants, but have a different understanding for us. That tolerance goes both ways, for example people who feel strongly that we should not clap while singing should love and respect the people who feel like we should be able to clap while singing, and vice versa.
Only two words really bother me in the statement above and they are the ones I believe create a problem within the body. When you say “for us,” in the second sentence quoted above, it becomes a problem. The bible gives no one the right to make this choice of how we respond in the liberty of Christ “for us.” In fact, even elders are cautioned against this in 1 Peter 5:2-3 when we are told, “Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, serving as overseers-not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve, not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock.” (NIV) The instruction is not to tell others what they can and cannot do, but set the example in their own lives. I think it good for all of us to be an example instead of demanding our own way. Unfortunately, as has happened in many places, those maturing into leadership want something different from what we (I) have been comfortable with and those who have born the burden of service in our congregations in the past (like myself) have to be ready to step out of the way and not force our “comfort” on those reaching their maturity in Christ. I think our youth have been taught well and have their hearts focused on Christ. Worship/praise offered up to God from a heart close to God has always been acceptable to God regardless of the clapping, instruments, dancing etc. that might bother some and we need to be encouraging them to love God instead of putting out the fire filled passion of love towards God because they might not meet our likes and dislikes.
I went to the housetohouse website and reviewed most of the material, and the vast majority of it I believe to be correct. I did find some places where the writer strayed into gray areas/disputable matters and presented his opinion as if it were a fact. To their defense none of these mistakes occurred with anything that would be considered a matter of salvation.
On the surface, I have to agree. I can remember the first time I looked at the site and it looked specifically good to me because that is who I was and accurately defining the doctrine or “creed” of the group I was associated with was more important than learning to be Christ in my life. When I looked at the site just recently, having been on their site previously prior to changes taking place in my life, I saw how much of their site is dedicated to “who we are” type information and hearing from those who have used their service, I am convinced the focus is to hold on to the truth of what I would call “Church of Christism.” In fact, I know that the articles specific to the congregation that can be included are changed to meet the ideals and belief pattern of the organization, even to the point of changing scripture quoting from NIV and NASV to KJV (the Authorized Version). The hearts may be honest but the goal is to salvage those things developed in our heritage and not promote others coming to know Christ.
To label those efforts as hateful or condemning, in an odd way to me is hateful and condemning on our part. When our differences are over gray areas/disputable matters, I think it is wrong for us to condemn them just the same as it would be wrong for them to condemn us for having a different understanding after praying, studying, and searching God's will. Also remember, this website didn't condemn anyone, they merely stated a belief that they held.
I probably came off condemning them or might have actually stated that in my blog but the only thing I condemn is spreading information not completely supported by the Bible. I honestly believe that all of us searching to please God with study and service as we take the message of Jesus to others should be encouraged and not condemned. I do believe, if anyone wants to give it a try, that upon reading what I have said in my blog writings, they would tell you I was off the straight and narrow (as some of the readers here might think) going straight to hell, “do not pass Go!” Knowing of their actions in the past, I am assured none of my comments would be allowed on the church specific section of the document to be mailed because they are FULL OF ERROR! (according to their doctrine and not the bible)
They did not follow up and say if you clap your hands and have instrumental music you will go to Hell. I think it is wrong for us to look at someone else's ministry, who studies, prays, and works to the best of their ability and understanding to do God's will and characterize it as hateful, just because they understand some of the minor details differently than we do.
I ask a simple question of whether it is sinful to tell a lie and most people would say yes. Due to teaching presented on this website, there are those who will tell me to my face that I am going to hell. One of the most spiritual men I have ever known in our own congregation would not call me a brother because I associated and played my horn for Baptists, Methodists and others in worship. He always referred to me as friend and it was because of this teaching. Most of us are not too young to have heard the “instrumental music is wrong” sermon and yet the distribution materials that would be going to our neighborhoods would bring messages like this to our community. As stated before, you may believe it wrong (I don’t know) and I may believe it right. With the bible being silent on this issue (specific to one period in time) I am not at liberty to tell someone it is wrong or right. If I do, it is a lie and sinful. In fact, I will go one step further since you added Romans 14 to your comments and say that if someone was to get out a guitar and start playing along with us next Sunday, it would be sinful for anyone in the congregation to get up and tell him to stop his worship to God. It may not be what we like or what we want but none of us has the backing of God to act for God!
verse 1....accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters.....clearly instrumental music, or hand clapping, and some of the other issues I would call disputable/gray area matters that are certainly not matters of salvation. verse 22...So whatever you believe about these things keep between yourself and God. Blessed is the man who does not condemn himself by what he approves......
You are correct! One problem that has come from this and made it a problem is the effective way I was brainwashed in my youth. I was told that if anyone plays an organ in service, everyone plays an organ in service and this is total nonsense. The next time we sing a song and people lift their hands it will be easy to recognize some do and some don’t. The same is true with instruments and if some do it does not mean others are! If I was deaf I wouldn’t hear the instrument or notice it and if I was blind I would not see the hands or notice them so what does Romans 14 actually say? It says we will actually take notice of things happening that would not be right for us and yes, we keep our mouth shut! Is this done? Would this be done Sunday? I don’t think so, because I think someone would open their mouth and condemn the person praising God unlike themselves. You even hear people accuse us of wanting to go instrumental and why would they make this accusation if there was nothing “sinful” about the idea?
what do we gain by speaking out or campaigning for a liberty that we believe we have, when someone else does not believe it? If you believe you have it...then you do and that is between you and God. Our job is not to convince our brother to think like we do on disputable gray matters. For matters of salvation, we should fight with no compromise. If we try to convince a brother to think like we do on one of these gray matters, we introduce a potentially large problem.
I think you may realize why I saved this away from the previous comment and realize the campaign I bring is to be honest with everyone about our tradition. When we say “we will not do this or that,” we simply support the lie and I think openly sin. If we all are told and reminded that what we do is tradition and if we decide to add instruments some day or if we decide to take communion on a day other than Sunday some day, it will be due to the fact we want to do something different as a whole and not because it is right or wrong. We have been pitied for too long because these things rule over our hearts and we (I) have held them to the level of being God’s truth. It has so controlled me that I have not been Christ to my community but rather a CEO of Church of Christism! It is the lie I speak out against and to which I do not want our children bound.
The Bible never says we can't do it, and it doesn't provide any examples of that type of worship. This brings it squarely into the realm of common sense/judgement/disputable matters that should be kept between you and God, not forced on others.
Absolutely, and yet it has been forced on us for all time. In my past, I have even judged as sinful those churches who took a vote on some of the things they wanted to do. Do you think we would take a vote in our congregation as to whether we wanted a service with instrumental music? If not, then I would ask why not? My assumption is that we would rather force our will (like my singing with notes requirement) on others and this is what has always taken place. Unfortunately, my spirit was shut down as a child and I have been part in the past of shutting down our teenagers for what they want to do for God. If they want to get some Christian bands up to the building on Saturday night and glorify God, I would be encouraging them to do it instead of saying “you can’t do that.” Others would declare, FOR GOD, you can’t do that. You can hear the conversation “why not” and the answer would be either “we don’t do that,” “we don’t allow that” or probably in some circles “it is wrong!” Look to the bible and you already know what is said; NOTHING!
This has gone on even longer than I expected so I’m going to stop for now. Maybe there will be a part II but Mike’s thoughts are correct. We should focus on God and keep our mouths shut when we things are done not according to our own personal choice! Romans 14 is very clear in that we will be around those doing these things and so we don’t have to stop them or leave because we don’t like them.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Pattern vs Savior "My Old Life"
If you want to know the proper protocols I spoke of in an earlier blog, just visit the site and they will tell you everything you need to do in order to be the proper "non-effective" Christian. If you grew up in the church, you will see all of the creativity man has done with the bible to support the vain worship of which I was once part.
An amazing thing to consider if you are reading your own bible, is how much emphasis is placed on following the appropriate form and so little on leading the Christian life. Taking the challenge to read your bible, you will discover the emphasis in the New Testament is placed on righteous living. In fact, I would guess (without counting) the information God gives us concerning "corporate worship" would probably not equal the word count of half a blog statement. To think I used to focus on being right in front of God by what took place in a building.
I noticed in one spot that singing during communion was not appropriate (I would have put sinful but while believing it is their belief, I am not going back to the site to see if it was actually stated)! While we have not done that in a while, I would challenge anyone to find anything in the bible but total silence on this topic. Does silence permit? No! Does silence forbid? No! We have been down this road before but one thing is certain, at least in my mind that teaching something as being biblical which is not stated in the bible is nothing more than telling a lie. Is telling a lie sinful? YOU BET!
I have quoted below some comments made about clapping (for your entertainment)!
There is no Bible authority for clapping in worship, either in time as part of the singing, or in the form of applause.Clapping during singing is a form of percussive accompaniment. What is the difference between striking our hands together and striking a drum with our hands? Musically speaking - nothing. The only accompaniment for our singing is to come from the heart (Ephesians 5:19). Also, God is not worshiped with men's hands (Acts 17:25).Clapping as applause brings glory and recognition to men, and is not directed toward God. All worship and praise is to be directed toward God. Do they clap when the preacher says something funny or something with which they agree? Will they clap when the song leader does a good job? Will they clap when someone says a good prayer? And what about those for whom no clapping is done? Will they think their worship is inferior or unacceptable because it didn't warrant applause?Why not let God reward us for our deeds like the Bible says (Colossians 3:23-24)? Worship is a time to focus our attention and affection upon God, not men. Worship is a time to give reverence and glory to God, not men.
One thing I wanted to point out is the manipulation done by this group to make clapping appear sinful. I examined Acts 17:25 in my bible and had to go online and find the bible using the words necessary to support their claim. I should have guessed they were basically a KJV only crowd and according to their own claims, they are now using the NKJV because the KJV is being phased out. Most of the bibles I viewed said God does not need to be served by human hands and in context, I agree (read for yourself). I did notice they basically condemned the NIV as nothing more than a paraphrase of what God said!
"I will show you the verse expressly forbidding using instruments in worship when you show me the verse expressly forbidding the worship of the Devil" is another statement by this group showing their lack of understanding. The tactic of this statement implies the true meaning of their understanding and the fallacy by which they exist in their thinking. They truly understand the bible is silent but rather than allow God silence, they must create law for God. This does nothing more than elevate themselves to a position equal with God; one I will not do for myself any longer. The really sad thing in my life is that I have enough problems with the sinful nature and if God is truly out their trying to catch me being sinful, He doesn't have to look to something of a silent nature to make me pay for not being "good enough." In fact, we can use their example of "playing God" and set traps for our children, whipping them when they don't meet our hidden expectations.
I am reminded of a story where the dad in the family is having a birthday and when asked what he would like for his birthday, he says that he would like a fountain pen with his name on the pen. The wife goes with the small child and purchases the exact pen which had been circled by dad in the catalog. When they get home the little child gets the wrapping paper and to the best of her ability wraps the package drawing a pretty picture of the family on the outside. She then begs mom to make a cake for dad and let her decorate it for dad. What a wonderful day it is for her as she takes the cake and puts the candles on the cake. Written in sprinkles are the words "I love my daddy!" Dad gets home and having kicked off his shoes, she takes the present to him. As he is opening the present, she slips to the side and picks up her special cake to show him. After opening the present, he notices her come to him with the cake and you won't believe it! He takes the cake and screams at his little daughter that she is a wicked child as he throws the cake to the floor. "I never asked you for this but only the pen. I am going for a switch and when I get back you will understand how disobedient you have been."
If this is your view of our heavenly father, my heart aches for you and yet, this seems to clearly be the view taken by those managing the House to House project when regarding things left unsaid by God.
My heart ached as I was seeing myself in so much of what was written on their website. I was once like this and if you want to know the full extent of my hatrid towards those I was trying to reach with the gospel message, then I would encourage you to visit their site.
I am thankful to God of so many in our group who went to the site and discovered for themselves the creativity of men who place themselves equal to God in setting traps for others. I am also greatful to see the "last" efforts these men make to keep hold of their existence because the church of my youth, focused on a tradition of pattern is slowly coming to an end as the church of our Lord is thriving all around us with a focus on the Savior.
I am thankful to the strength and passion of our youth who took the challenge to look at this material for themselves and in my view, you should be placed with the great men of faith in Hebrews for the faith you have in Jesus! I would encourage you to remain strong in your faith and love as you face those who seem to be working for Satan to shut your strong faith down. I am fully aware of your ability to reach your friends with the gospel message and as Paul told Timothy, you can't allow people like this to look down at you because of your age.
I will pray tonight for all to read their bibles more closely and realize the message of the gospel is about our Savior and not about those things the Pharisees of our day would create for our observance.
May God bless all of us with eyes to see and ears to hear the message of Jesus apposed to the message of MAN!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Trusting Truth
Growing up in the denomination of church of Christ, my concept of truth was formed around those associated with the churches of Christ and understanding the difference between the truth of God and the truth according to man became a problem in my life. As a young man, I did not grasp how my bible classes and later following my baptism the "church approved" now that your a Christian books led me to only learn the proper protocols necessary for being a successful member of my own denomination. Even as I use the word denomination, there are many who immediately want to scream out "we are not a denomination," and yet the word accurately describes who we are and when traveling to another location and choosing a place to visit on Sunday we look for the name Church of Christ because we have described in the name something we expect to recognize when we stop and enter the building. Often, it is described so well, we can count on meeting times to be at the "scriptural" time. All of this became the truth of the gospel and I learned the prescribed pattern of being acceptable and what it meant to be a Christian according to the official denominational doctrine of my fellowship, which just happened to be officially "authorized" and the only acceptable way described in the bible.
Taking this to another level, we have grown up knowing that if we train up a child in the way of the Lord he will not depart from it and yet without taking off our blindfolds, we question why our children leave our congregations and choose something different from what we have to offer. We often find it difficult to see how our instruction to "do things right" was overshadowed by God and the message of Christ actually got through to some of them who are now choosing to express their devotion to God in another setting. They aren't abandoning the truth of Christ though we do find them abandoning the artificial truth of our denominational instruction.
I am thankful that God gave me the ability to play my horn and placed opportunities before me to be invited to play for so many groups around Houston. I believe I came to recognize the difference between the truth of man and the truth of God because of the instruction I received from the Baptists, Methodists, Lutherans, Catholics and others during the time they were paying for my playing abilities in the worship I was helping them provide their membership.
While some in my own fellowship referred to me as "friend" because they were not fully sure I was a brother (due to my "sinful" affiliation with those "wicked" denominations playing my horn), these people knew me as a brother in Christ. They knew and recognized my belief in Jesus as the savior and shared prayers, communion and love with me as a member of God's family the CHURCH!
When I look back at the early days and playing my horn in the various places, I remember spending every measure of rest in the pieces I was playing speaking to God in prayer and telling him how much I needed the money and it was nothing more than a job. I would ask him for forgiveness and request he not take my life from me while I was in worship with my horn. I did not want to be off the narrow path and wind up going to hell because of doing something I was taught was sinful. I know God was very patient with me and he used members of His church in all of these buildings to instruct me in the real message of truth (as I believe right now) as I witnessed people, not considered by some in my fellowship to be Christian, demonstrating the life of Christ in their lives.
They led me to believe, through their lives, that the will of God was wrapped up in making the transformation of our current lives (the sinful nature) into lives that reflected Christ (the righteousness/truth of God). I did not see in them a desire to replicate a "proper" process but rather a lifestyle of righteous living and putting others before personal selfish desires. During this process of change in my life, I began making music in my heart and allowing it to come out as an offering to God for the people I was with and while the money was still good, it ceased to be the focus of my day and I even began to tell churches to pay me according to their gift and not my request. Over time, I recognized how all of the groups similar to mine were facing the same struggles with tradition and a desire for more contemporary worship time. I was also able to begin recognizing so many people around me at home and away who live the message of Christ in their lives. Take a good look the next time you/we get together with other Christians and you will discover those who look like Christ in their lives.
I also hope you will find and discover those who find fault with so much going on; those who want to make sure none of these evil innovations will take place in our/your congregation and LOVE THEM! Like me, the message of transforming their lives to look like Christ and begin putting others before themselves may take more time than we like. Seeing Christ alive and burning in our lives will do so much more than turning the coin over and condemning them for being so "hard-headed."
My encouragement is still to stand against man's truth being presented as "gospel" but make sure you are in the loving shoes of Christ and reflect the manner in which He answered the Pharisees finding fault with Him and challenging His actions.