Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Counterfeit Church Of My Youth

I just got my first copy of "House To House, Heart To Heart," Volume 14 Number 3 and I hope people in and around my community do not read it too closely since the majority of readers will not ever give us a chance to show them we are not the group described in this newsletter.

The reader might get as far as "The Devil's Bible" and if they do, they will be ready and looking for the preaching they expect from my denomination and see "Foolishness 6:6: One drink will do no harm" and condemn us for preaching something the bible does not preach. While it is easy to see drunkeness as wrong in the bible, self-righteous men create the notion that drinking alcohol is contrary to the will of God. If not placed in the trash can already, "2 Opinions 2:4: One church is as good a another; therefore, attend the church of your choice" will surely drive the person looking for Christ away from my congregation.

Having been part of worship in so many differing denominations, I can claim with all confidence how all of them believe and accept the declaration of there only being ONE CHURCH presented in scripture. I wish the paper and various publications would speak the truth concerning the Church and tell people how all of our denominations (mine included) are filled with sinners who are attempting to take some measure of control in their lives and pattern their lives after Christ. I wish they would be honest with the reader and tell how each group is often controlled more by their tradition than the will of God though their hearts are honest and focused in their efforts to be pleasing to God. I wish the writers would show integrity by admitting the church is found not in a specific denominational membership list but rather in those God has added to His church.

If I was writing the article, I would encourage those seeking God to study for themselves and assemble with other believers looking to please God in their lives. I would encourage them to find a group of believers who they might feel comfortable with based on their maturity in Christ. I would tell everyone how I used to believe my denomination was the "True Church" the one and only described in the bible until I read the bible for myself and found tradition, not the word of God controlled our Orthodoxy. I would tell them honesty demands me to claim any of the groups meeting behind a variety of signs is likely as good as any other because they all contain those who are of the one true Church described in the bible. If we are really looking for the deception from Satan concerning choosing a congregation, it would have to be the deception I learned as a child stating the building with the name Church of Christ was where the REAL church established by God met on Sunday.

At this point in the blog, I feel like the reformed smoker who upon entering a room where smoking has taken place has to leave and find fresh air. Yes, my realization of what is taking place in this newsletter is pretty negative but only because I understand the deceit having trapped me into this pattern in the past.

"Don't Accept a Counterfeit" weighs heavy on my heart because I used to tell others this complete nonsense about their being only one church and how it was the one I attended! I still believe in only one church but understand it is not defined by the denominational name Church of Christ, Baptist, Methodist, Lutheran , Catholic etc. It is defined by God and not men! This article would have us believe there is one true church and many counterfeits and yet, having been in so many different denominations, I have yet to be in one meeting the definition of counterfeit. There are those different from mine but no less focused on Christ and what He did for those meeting the definition of sinner.

This article says we must make sure we have found the original and then mentions three teaching errors of my youth listed below and not supported in scripture.

1. The church of our membership must teach the plan of salvation. (I haven't been in one of the denominations which does not teach Jesus died to forgive our sins yet all view the details of how this takes place a little different because of various statements in the bible)

2. The church must worship on the proper day. (No support in the bible)

3. The church must worship the proper way. (No support in the bible)

The reader might not think I believe in "counterfeit christians/congregation" but it is something I believe only too well since I have been part of them in my youth. Counterfeit followers of God are not new and can also be seen all through the bible. We can see examples of people worshipping the way they had been taught (correct) and yet their worship is not acceptable because their hearts are far from God.

The counterfeit I fear is returning to a pattern of worship demanded from tradition, not God, where, as one comment put it, our worship or orthodoxy from tradition becomes the idol of our worship and not God. Yes, the counterfeit, the idol of the majority of my life has been doing all of the right things the right way on the right day of the week and saying I have been worshipping!


  1. The root of the problem is that most people brought up in churches of Christ believe that they are saved by "the church". They think Jesus died so we might possibly go to heaven. There is little if no understanding of grace, and when mentioned, downplayed. If these people would just read Romans and see the absolute clarity it gives on grace and salvation, instead of taking a bunch of verses out of context and stringing them together to fit a pattern, they would finally realize the FREEDOM in Christ. I thank God everyday for giving me a wife that understood the truth. She helped me realize how ignorant I was to what salvation truly is. I pray that more people will discover blogs like yours, and find freedom.

  2. Ryan,
    I appreciate your comments and I am glad you have been able to escape the bondage so many face from their past instruction. I often wonder why it took me so long to realize how my belief that I was right left no room for the grace of God. I now accept the knowledge I have attained is still nothing more than foolishness to God and error of thought and practice in our individual lives is something always causing us to put limits on God (in the name of God).

  3. One of my memories from childhood in our neighborhood was a kid I used to play with alot that told us his church was the only ones going to heaven. I was really upset about that, but now it seems like we communicate that to others in our lives. It tore apart that friendship and a fear/reality is that it will tear us apart from our community unless we really get out there and show God's love to them, rather than making a claim to be the only ones God loves. Good post, and I don't know who ryan is but good thoughts I like the referance to idols as a church.

  4. Lindsay,
    I am glad you and the youth group know that our salvation is not based upon being right in what we do but rather being guaranteed by what Jesus did for us. I find it amazing that anyone can claim to fully understand the mind of God and yet you will find some in our fellowship who make the claim of perfect understanding of God's plan.

  5. Great column! Great reading! Thanks.

  6. Mike,
    Great blog! Another thought that hit me as I was reading through the HTH and then your blog is, what exactly was the “plan of salvation” was in the early church? What I find in Acts 2 is a very good talk about Jesus and what He has done for people. This sermon was followed by the people asking Peter “what must we do to be saved” after they were “cut to the heart”. I also read about the Eunuch is Acts 8 that was reading from the book of Isaiah. The text says that Philip began to speak with him and starting with this scripture, he proclaimed to him the good news about Jesus. (Acts 8:35). Why does it need to be a 5-step plan of salvation or any other so-called “plan” put together by men.
    What I read about in the Bible is men telling others about Jesus and helping others. I believed with all my heart if we will simply let Jesus shine though in our lives that we will convert others to Jesus. It must start with us accepting them and loving them, then simply telling them about what Jesus has done for us. I don’t recall any examples in Acts when the disciples of Jesus delivered the 5-step plan of salvation followed by an ultimatum. They made sure people belonged, loved them and people responded by seeking Jesus.

  7. Clay,
    You are so right and yet this is what we grew up being told. Men take the bible (I believe in good faith) and wanting to make sure they do a great job of helping us have our own faith, they devised the process by which THEY could be sure we are saved. I don't think it has ever been our job to determine who is and who is not in the family of God but only to share Christ with others. I also believe those not wanting anything to do with Jesus will not hang around the Christians for very long without either leaving or being adopted by God into His family. Thanks for your addition to the thought process.

  8. Counterfeith, perhaps somewhat, but it did lead us and many to salvation. Consider our childhood, a strong Christian influenance, one which has lead us to step out and speak with a burning passion.

    Can you remember the moment you were saved, I do! It wasn't at any church, it was looking the back door of our Grandparents house in Madisonville watching the sunrise. For the first time, I realized at that particular moment I was spiritually dead without Christ. I didn't say any special prayer or even tell anyone, until now, I simply asked to be saved! I was then, I am now! The following Sunday I was baptized. I live with regrets, that the man I loved and admired the most in this world and really most responsible for leading me to Christ, had to work that day and missed my baptism; Papa!

    My point is that God works All things for GOOD. Even though it may appear counterfeit, God is still at work; and what God has set in motion, no man (mankind) can stop.

  9. RD,
    The idea of the article found in "House To House" is that all groups are counterfeit who don't do things right (according to their thinking). You have seen them and know them and my point is like yours in how I have not seen a counterfeit church because all of the ones I have been part of are making every attempt to look toward Christ and all of them have severe mistakes in their practice because of human make-up. Thanks for your thoughts and see you soon.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. While looking at your bio I noticed you are a teacher, so I wanted to know where you teach. I did some internet research and found the website for Westbury Christian School. I noticed that the band director’s picture and name are the same as the person writing this blog. It states in your bio from the Westbury Christian School,“(Mr. Smith) worship(s) with the Church of Christ in Deer Park where he is the deacon charged with coordinating the singing for the church.” I am so surprised that you are a leader in this church considering the extremism I’m reading in this blog. Are your church Elders aware of what you are writing? It sounds like you are working very hard to create division in this congregation (not denomination…churches of Christ are not denominations)! You have expounded about the lies and wickedness taught by others in the church. You speak of doing anything to spread the message of Christ without any permission or hindrance, yet as I read your blog, I read anger and bitterness in your words! You sound like you are working very hard to bring reproach upon the church of Christ in Deer Park. You obviously don’t like the directional leadership of your Elders, so I must ask why you don’t just go to Grace Community church or Lakewood church, or get a group of your likeminded bloggers together and start a congregation of your own? You speak of the mean things you have said in your early ignorance of accepting things that “man” has taught (not the Bible)…yet you supply more “man” words and links to more “man” words than to the actual inspired words of the Bible. How do you distinguish that these words of men you are now reading are truthful?
    I realize that the Elders of the church of Christ in Deer Park can’t stop your right to free speech, but hopefully they’ve already removed you as a deacon. I went to the Deer Park church website and could not find a list of deacons. If the Elders haven’t taken strict action, then they must surely agree with what you have written. I will be praying for your Elders, your family, your church family, your blog followers, and for you. I hope your actions speak more of Christian love than do your words!

  12. Hey Mike,
    I love to hear people say the Church of Christ is not a denomination. The American Standard dictionary defines it as "An organized group of religious congregations". If that is not what the Church of Christ is, then what is it? I also find it interesting the way MR has decided to judge you and your emotions without knowing you personally. I know that love and passion have been poured into your blog, but have yet to read anything I would perceive as anger.

    I also think that some of my numbness of growing up in this denomination has melted away as I too have began to study for myself the truth of the love of Jesus. I grew up being taught emotionless worship from my parents and grandparents, and still find it hard at times to feel the love of Christ as my Mike does. These are the people who will see anger in your passion. I love your passion and hope you keep it flowing in the words of a man who loves Christ as you have in this and your previous blogs. God Bless you Mike. I too am praying for you, but am thanking God that you have the guts to speak the truth as so many don't.


  13. I love you dad and continue to realize why you do this and not give up and move churches. I respect your strength and passion and see your wilingness and heart to defend and fight for my generation. We try to build up God in our schools and are hindered by our "denomination" out in the community or lack there of. We no longer fight non beleif but the belief of the preceived christian to our friends, judgemental and hating. It makes me sad to see friends fall away due to things people in our religion have said. As one did to day. I admire you and you are one of my many hero's in Life. AMy thanks for doing the same you and your husband alike along with all of the rest of you who stand up and read the bible for yourself. I beleive full heartedly that Love is the greatest command. Love the lord your God with all your heart, Love your neigbor as yourself. Unfortunatley one of the biggest commands comes of through my life and others is Hate and condem everyone who doesn't beleive like you. Love you all May God truly bless as I continue to pray for all of you in your own aspects of life. Signing off, WIT, "Whatever it takes"

  14. Lindsay,
    To know your love for Christ is more valuable than anything in the world. I am saddened once again to hear of someone being pushed away by those who seem to have their hearts so far from God. The youth group in Deer Park is awesome for Christ and your example is much greater than those who would shut you down. Throughout history we are able to see those who stand against God and we also see they never win! I love you and those who follow Jesus so much!

  15. Mike,
    It continues to amaze me how people think. MR(Don't know who he is because unlike most on this blog, he chooses to be anonymous)Anyway...MR read parts of your blogs...found things that offended him and struck out with vengence. There was no dialogue with scripture, love or anything else. He just simply had to know WHO you were so he could attack you. Note that he did not go back and carefully read your emails or even commetn with questions concerning your intent. If he was truly concerned about your (&my) soul, I believe the instruction from The Word is to gently instruct in a better way (Acts 18:26).

    Mike, I know you and I have read all your blogs and skoken to you personally. I know your intent. I know your emotions are real because they come from a heart that has opened his Bible and is studying and seeking God fervently. Do you get every single thing right?? NO. NONE OF US DO!!! That is the whole point of grace.

    For the rest of you, if you are offended by Mike's blog, I challenge you to put down all your years of teachings and biases towards the church and pick up your Bible and study it like a brand new book. Don't search scriptures to prove your point, just search them and your heart. Seek your God. Study God's book from Genesis to Revelation (without bias). You may find they we are not correct on some points, that's okay; we openly admit we are still learning and growing. But, in the process you ay realize that some of your beliefs aren't really as laid out in scripture as you may believe.

    Come and dialogue at that point. Mike and I have disagreed on some points. We talk about them and it spurs both of us on to study and to grow...not to bicker and divide. Disagreeing is okay, especially if it causes us to study and know why we believe what we believe.

    Mike, I commend you for sharing your growing process with us. I do not read hate or judgement...I read hurt and frustration. You were very clear of your support of the elders and the huge takks they have. Keep studying, keep seeking and keep staying!

    MR - We are all part of a church who may diagree with us, but they love us. We are not going anywhere...we love the brothers and sisters here and believe God has awesome things in store for the church here.

  16. Ronna,
    Your love of God is strong and visible to all. Very few know how much you and Clay have given up for the cause of Christ and the rest of us are pale in comparison to the hurt you have been through for Christ. For some, change is recognition of their failure. To you and I change is recognition of our GROWTH!

  17. Mike,
    When I received your E-mail this morning I read it with great sadness. Your blogs mean more to me than you will even know. I have read them over and over again and the only anger I have been able to find is the anger you have felt against yourself in the past. The only hatred I can find is the “gospel of hate” being spread by others that like to assume God’s role as judge and condemn others. What arrogance to assume they know the heart of God and make such statements. I will be praying for them as I know you will be also. If you were looking for a specific request to keep making post, then I am making that request. You are appreciated and loved by many both in the congregation and in the entire Deer Park area. I hope this note will provide you with some level of encouragement and I know you are hurting. God bless you and your family.

    In Christian Love,

  18. MR,
    If I am to assume from your post that you are a Christian, then I am very confused by your message. Does not the Bible teach us that we are to love our brothers? I encourage you to read 1 John 4. How can you rectify your comments to Mike with this chapter?

    We utilize this blog to encourage each other, to build each other up and to serve God to the best of our ability. The gospel of hate and division that you are selling by your post has no place here. If you would like to meet with the elder of the DP church, Mike and me to discuss these issues in person please let us know.

    It is very easy to hide behind an anonymous blog and through stones. It is much more difficult to follow the teaching of the Bible in Matthew 18.

    Matthew 18:15-19
    15"If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. 16But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that 'every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.' 17If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector.
    18"I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
    19"Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. 20For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them."

    In Christian Love,

  19. Clay,
    I appreciate you brother and I think several might have read something into my email or else I have been really lax in my communication. I am going to keep writing until I have nothing more to say. I am only going to send "updates" to those who request knowing when I have written. I have been emailing everyone in the congregation because I did not want my words to be taken as gossip or hidden from anyone. I get enough junk mail in my box each day and I don't want to just be something someone has to delete.

  20. Matthew 5: 10"You're blessed when your commitment to God provokes persecution. The persecution drives you even deeper into God's kingdom.

    11-12"Not only that—count yourselves blessed every time people put you down or throw you out or speak lies about you to discredit me. What it means is that the truth is too close for comfort and they are uncomfortable. You can be glad when that happens—give a cheer, even!—for though they don't like it, I do! And all heaven applauds. And know that you are in good company. My prophets and witnesses have always gotten into this kind of trouble. (The Message)

  21. Bobbie,
    I appreciate your comments and the blog I am about to write (5/26/09) is going to have more to say on this topic. The usual attack of persecution often comes from those closest to you, who see the passion to "tell the world" as hurtful or divisive.

  22. I've only been reading your blog this morning for the first time and I must say, especially in response to MR, that I have not gotten a sense of bitterness or hate, but a sense of pain. MR, Mike is my brother, both biologically and spiritually. Being my biological brother, we have fought throughout our years of growing up and have also disagreed on many things. After reading this blog, I am thankful and wishing I had something like this many years ago when part of my depression was being escalated by the very members of the "Church of Christ" denomination and the rigidity that I experienced. I lost many friends who I thought were so close as to be like family due to my wanting answers to questions I had about the Bible. Because I was a woman without a husband (he was in the Navy and out to sea), I was viewed as a "NOTHING" in my congregation. My final experience with one of the congregations of the church of Christ in San Diego was when one of the elders approached me after class and said to me.."Cathy, you just don't need to ask so many questions. As long as you know where your salvation lies, that's all you need to know" My response to him was that I didn't know that Jesus made a difference between men Christians and women Christians and that I thought Jesus was always available to answer questions. I have since found a church family (and yes, it's a Church of Christ) that is "family" and practices what I read in the Bible.

  23. Cathy,
    You experienced most of the same "church" I did growing up and unfortunately, there are many wolves in sheep clothing who are anything but godly towards each other.
