Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Not Mine!

One of the things I did not realize for a long time when I began looking seriously at the "doctrine" I grew up with in the church was how many others had already found the same things in their study. During the short time I have been writing these blogs, I have found several people in my own congregation who have the same basic thoughts and yet they were never voiced. I'll admit quickly how I was afraid to voice my current beliefs because they were not "normal" and yet this concept of being normal is not very normal when we start talking. I believe it is exciting to talk about what God has done in our lives and discuss the current views we hold on any given topic. What a joy I have talking about Jesus and His will outside of a bible class!

Today, you will not get much from my mind because in my reading, I came across some things I would like to write about but are already in a format more detailed and enjoyable than what I would be able to do. The first two links lead to a preacher of the Gospel who has written about the "unwritten creeds" of the churches of Christ and I found them extremely thought provoking and they have all been true in my life.

The third writing deals with the way I was taught to view women in the church.

I hope you will enjoy these contributions from Goad and if you think he and I are in 100% agreement on things I will give you an address so you can ask him yourself because we have often been 180 degrees out of sync with each other. One thing is apparently obvious or I would not be sharing his work. I have a lot of respect for him writing on some very controversial topics and commend him for taking a stand as a preacher in our fellowship against those things I was taught in my early years as GOSPEL TRUTH!


  1. I have been trying to persuade Steven to start his own blog!

  2. I find myself in opposition to him in several cirmcumstances but he is an extremely talented writer and honestly portrays what is in the bible. He also has a great ability to lighten the discussion in his work with humor. I am glad the message of God is getting out through him.
