I have often mentioned the need we have for David to step forth and face Goliath for the family of God and it is important for us to realize there are many stepping forth in the sandals of David to take up the challenge given to God's people on a daily basis. One of these men is an elder and preacher for the Church of Christ in Alamogordo, New Mexico named Al Maxey. To many in our congregation, he is a familiar contributor to our learning and spiritual growth because his Reflections come into our email accounts each week and are discussed and passed around to others.
Al has become a great source of encouragement and learning in my life since I took the challenge to actually read for myself and began to challenge many of the things I was taught as a child and I hope some day to stop by and visit with him in person so I can express my thankfulness face to face.
Since beginning his Reflection ministry a few years ago, he is getting close to writing his 400th Reflection which will probably come out right after he returns home from his vacation coming in May. Even as I second guess his plans, his amazing ability to reach deeply into serious study of some long held topics is most likely already focused on passing this milestone in his "leaving for vacation" reflection to the readers. In addition to all of these Reflections, he has written and participated in several written debates with men "claiming to have a complete handle on truth." (my view based on my reading) If you know of anyone struggling with the issue of Marriage, Divorce and Re-Marriage, he also has a book available with such detail I promise will bring peace and healing! I loaned someone my copy and hope it has been good news to someone with a broken heart. I can remember writing Al to tell him how I had told a young woman I did not want her going to hell and she just couldn't get married again. I told him how she told me "I guess I will just have to go to hell because I can't stand being so lonely!" My heart ached for her and after reading his book, I went back to her and apologized for the heart I thought was loving actually being so cruel to her.
I asked Al for permission to share his material and being the great warrior for God I have come to know, he gave his blessing. Knowing I was going to tell everyone about him, I did not really know how to begin until I read a recent Reflection The Swinging Door Church which can be read at http://www.zianet.com/maxey/reflx395.htm
As with all of his writings, this work takes a look at the many things having plagued us for years and I would recommend it be read for everyone. If it were my groups turn to present the lesson on Sunday night, I would suggest we read this article to everyone. Better yet, I would be glad to read it on a Sunday morning where all might hear these words of wisdom.
Needless to say, Al has taken a great deal of persecution from those in our fellowship who can't stand to have their form of "perfected" Christianity challenged openly. There are those who have in my view pledged themselves to his destruction and would love nothing more than to see him placed on an actual cross for the "wicked" things he suggests in his writing. He is so hated by some that during the written debates, the congregations of churches would remove any links to his site, even when referenced to support his view instead of simply copying and pasting into the current discussion.
If you are not familiar with his work, I would encourage you to read not only the Reflection mentioned above but also take a look at his archive page found at http://www.zianet.com/maxey/Reflect2.htm and under topical index read what he has to say about the silence of scripture. After all, the only thing we can seem to argue about in church today are the things of which we are not given specific instruction. In fact, I believe you, like myself, will be impressed with the difference between specificity and silence.
Regardless of what you do with his material in your life, I will be forever appreciative of what he has done to help me grow my faith closer and more fully focused on the person instead of the elusive pattern I sought in my earlier years.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Why Is It So Hard?
Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death. Romans 8:1-2
Throughout my life, I have been instructed on how straight the path was and how narrow the gate if I was to be accepted by God to enter heaven. The passage above gave me no confidence since it was so easy to fall out of favor with God and lose my salvation. While I think it may be foolish to believe we do not have the ability to be lost, I no longer think it is as easy as I once thought. In fact, as I heard preached not long ago, I grew up believing it was not so much a possibility but a probability and now, aware of the possibility, I live in no fear because the probability is I will be there with the rest of you reading this post.
Knowing we have no condemnation, why then is it so hard to keep ourselves from condemning others in their worship or praise to God. My own life serves as my example of this problem. I can remember the occasion last year when a worship leader from the Fort Bend area was invited to come lead singing and praise one evening in our congregation. When I got to service that evening, I saw the microphones, the speakers, the singers walking around with their music and my evening was ruined! I can remember sitting down and when the first song came up and there were no notes I was even further devastated by what was taking place. I got up out of my seat and spent the rest of the time sitting in my van upset that anyone would let this take place.
Here I am knowing on an intellectual level that nothing is wrong with what took place and yet I took it as a personal attack on me and had a variety of mixed feelings about how unhappy I would be if our congregation chose to follow this lead and make changes necessary for this to continue. When I look back at the incident now, I can see how little value my heart had towards God and His children on that specific evening. My heart was so far from God, I can almost hear Him say "why have you forsaken me?" My selfishness (what I like) was more important on that evening than a Christian heart set on putting others ahead of myself. I probably even went to one of the elders and told them how I felt about this taking place and now I wish they had looked me in the eye like Jesus and told me "since there is nothing wrong with what they were doing the problem could only lie within my own heart."
The solution to my heart problem was to focus my condemnation back on the heart taken so far from being a loving heart wanting to put others first! For some reason it seems it is only a good thing to put others first when it agrees with our own selfish desires. While I get a "sick" feeling just considering the possibility, it would be a good thing for my faith to have this happen again. You see, my prejudice against what I don't like is actually strengthened by getting my way and being allowed to enjoy what I am used to experiencing when I come to worship God on "my terms."
Some have asked me why I am writing these things and if my purpose is to push our congregation one way or the other away from our traditions and the answer is much to involved probably to make much since in print. I have become disappointed in the way we have come to treat our traditions as being the "gospel of Christ" and yet if it is my choice, there would be no change! I like things the way I grew up having them done. I am trapped in my tradition and until change is forced on me by those not trapped like myself, I will enjoy services like they have always existed.
What I do wish to see changed is our approach to those things that would trap future generations of those loving God who might not want to carry on my tradition. I was made to feel guilty and some would still have me feel guilty for doing something "not authorized" by the bible. I wish to see the youth of our congregation grow up with out these same chains and when they get to make decisions, I would like to know the decisions they make are a result of a heart placed in love near to the heart of God and not because someone else demanded the selfish desires of their own heart.
If we are going to empower future generations to love God fully, we are going to have to upset Mike's cart once in a while. When Mike comes forward and says "are you going to let that happen" or "I didn't get anything out of service today," we need to respond appropriate to Mike's heart needing some work. The tradition is not what is important but rather the loving heart helping a misguided heart to grow their faith. Yes, this is a blog about Mike's Growing Faith and the desired purpose is to write about things in my life which have promoted or changed my faith. I desperately believe we need open discussion about so many things in all of our lives and I believe each of us has something we picked up in our past which just seems would be the "last straw" for us in the congregation. Help me with my heart and I will try to help you with yours!
Throughout my life, I have been instructed on how straight the path was and how narrow the gate if I was to be accepted by God to enter heaven. The passage above gave me no confidence since it was so easy to fall out of favor with God and lose my salvation. While I think it may be foolish to believe we do not have the ability to be lost, I no longer think it is as easy as I once thought. In fact, as I heard preached not long ago, I grew up believing it was not so much a possibility but a probability and now, aware of the possibility, I live in no fear because the probability is I will be there with the rest of you reading this post.
Knowing we have no condemnation, why then is it so hard to keep ourselves from condemning others in their worship or praise to God. My own life serves as my example of this problem. I can remember the occasion last year when a worship leader from the Fort Bend area was invited to come lead singing and praise one evening in our congregation. When I got to service that evening, I saw the microphones, the speakers, the singers walking around with their music and my evening was ruined! I can remember sitting down and when the first song came up and there were no notes I was even further devastated by what was taking place. I got up out of my seat and spent the rest of the time sitting in my van upset that anyone would let this take place.
Here I am knowing on an intellectual level that nothing is wrong with what took place and yet I took it as a personal attack on me and had a variety of mixed feelings about how unhappy I would be if our congregation chose to follow this lead and make changes necessary for this to continue. When I look back at the incident now, I can see how little value my heart had towards God and His children on that specific evening. My heart was so far from God, I can almost hear Him say "why have you forsaken me?" My selfishness (what I like) was more important on that evening than a Christian heart set on putting others ahead of myself. I probably even went to one of the elders and told them how I felt about this taking place and now I wish they had looked me in the eye like Jesus and told me "since there is nothing wrong with what they were doing the problem could only lie within my own heart."
The solution to my heart problem was to focus my condemnation back on the heart taken so far from being a loving heart wanting to put others first! For some reason it seems it is only a good thing to put others first when it agrees with our own selfish desires. While I get a "sick" feeling just considering the possibility, it would be a good thing for my faith to have this happen again. You see, my prejudice against what I don't like is actually strengthened by getting my way and being allowed to enjoy what I am used to experiencing when I come to worship God on "my terms."
Some have asked me why I am writing these things and if my purpose is to push our congregation one way or the other away from our traditions and the answer is much to involved probably to make much since in print. I have become disappointed in the way we have come to treat our traditions as being the "gospel of Christ" and yet if it is my choice, there would be no change! I like things the way I grew up having them done. I am trapped in my tradition and until change is forced on me by those not trapped like myself, I will enjoy services like they have always existed.
What I do wish to see changed is our approach to those things that would trap future generations of those loving God who might not want to carry on my tradition. I was made to feel guilty and some would still have me feel guilty for doing something "not authorized" by the bible. I wish to see the youth of our congregation grow up with out these same chains and when they get to make decisions, I would like to know the decisions they make are a result of a heart placed in love near to the heart of God and not because someone else demanded the selfish desires of their own heart.
If we are going to empower future generations to love God fully, we are going to have to upset Mike's cart once in a while. When Mike comes forward and says "are you going to let that happen" or "I didn't get anything out of service today," we need to respond appropriate to Mike's heart needing some work. The tradition is not what is important but rather the loving heart helping a misguided heart to grow their faith. Yes, this is a blog about Mike's Growing Faith and the desired purpose is to write about things in my life which have promoted or changed my faith. I desperately believe we need open discussion about so many things in all of our lives and I believe each of us has something we picked up in our past which just seems would be the "last straw" for us in the congregation. Help me with my heart and I will try to help you with yours!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Clipping The Wings of Our Children
I can remember one weekend at Lake Texana as I sat outside my camper with a cup of coffee early in the morning to watch the sun come up. One of the most exciting aspects of camping is often found in the early hours of the morning just before the sun comes up to warm the day. On this morning, I got to see two baby birds learn to fly.
I was sitting there with the cup of coffee and the morning began with me slightly irritated at the fact the chirping of a bird was interfering with me telling God how wonderful the site was that I had selected for my camper. I can even remember the bird flying out to a post just to the right of the bush and continuing his constant chatter. It wasn't long until I noticed some rustling in the bush and I let myself consider a predator might be lurking in the bushes to eat the bird and possibly even how the older bird might actually be trying to lure the predator away from the nest. In a few short minutes, a bird still chirping a way, I noticed a small "baby" bird come out on the branch and hop around. You should have heard the chuckle in my heart as the bird would hop, flutter wings, flip almost upside-down and finally secure it's balance on the limb.
The first bird finally gave up on the chirping (for a little while) and flew back to the branch to hop around with the baby bird. I am not sure but I must have thought the bird got irritated and just had to get away for a few minutes and yell about all his problems but once again, the bird flew back to the post and just would not give up on the chirping.
Another bird appears in the bush and then another "baby" bird with her (yeah I said her because it was the mommy bird). Ok, all joking aside, we all know how the men of the family are not usually very patient and when it is time to get going, it is time to GET GOING!
My coffee is getting cold by this time but I am not about to get a warm-up and miss what may come next since I have four birds "ruining" my morning time with God. The adult bird in the bush keeps hopping around and nudging the baby birds and the "beautiful" papa bird is still chirping away. I am getting a handle on all of this and understand that papa bird has been sent out for food and everyone back in the nest is looking for his return. That has to be the real reason for all his constant chirping!
In what seemed like only a few seconds, the papa bird flew back to the bush, looked around and then following his lead, they all flew off. They didn't fly just to the post but rather soared into the morning sun breaking through to light the day. They did just what they had been created by God to do and instead of a bird disturbing my private time with God, He presented me with a private and spectacular gift of His creation.
In the telling of this story, you can tell I knew what was taking place. I had it all figured out much to the differing reality of what took place and by now, I hope you are wondering what this has to do with the title chosen for this blog.
The birds were created to fly and the male bird was not their to disturb me or to lure a predator from harming his young. He was there to encourage the children to do what they had been created to do; FLY! He would not let up because they had not accepted their reality of flight given to them by God.
God created you and I for His purpose and yet growing up, I had my wings clipped! Jesus came to set me free in Him and it is as if everyone teaching me about God would get out the clippers and clip a little more freedom from my life. I was told, "you can't do this," "you have to do it this way," "if you feel joy doing something we don't approve of you are being deceived by Satan," and the predator (Satan) is right there waiting to devour you if you don't do things just right."
I mentioned the passion for Christ before and I now know that I had my wings clipped for so long, I forgot that my purpose in creation was to fly free in Christ. I am glad I have attempted to shelve my clippers because possibly my children will be free to fly. Even in saying this, there is much more to the story because not only did the bird not keep his children in the nest, he would not let up with the encouragement to fly until they jumped off the limb in faith and grasp the reality of creation.
It won't be long until we get to our VBS and if we are not going to use every tool available to us for the cause of Christ, I would rather cancel it all together than pull out the clippers and keep our children from becoming what God created them to become. You might think this harsh but it was Jesus who gave us the warning about harming the children.
Go ahead, if you wish, and sharpen your clippers but count me out! I have been clipped so long I don't really know how to fly and I don't want the same results for our kids that we will get by doing the same things we have done in the past. It will be much more fun to jump from the limb together and fly off into creation waiting to see us take flight!
I was sitting there with the cup of coffee and the morning began with me slightly irritated at the fact the chirping of a bird was interfering with me telling God how wonderful the site was that I had selected for my camper. I can even remember the bird flying out to a post just to the right of the bush and continuing his constant chatter. It wasn't long until I noticed some rustling in the bush and I let myself consider a predator might be lurking in the bushes to eat the bird and possibly even how the older bird might actually be trying to lure the predator away from the nest. In a few short minutes, a bird still chirping a way, I noticed a small "baby" bird come out on the branch and hop around. You should have heard the chuckle in my heart as the bird would hop, flutter wings, flip almost upside-down and finally secure it's balance on the limb.
The first bird finally gave up on the chirping (for a little while) and flew back to the branch to hop around with the baby bird. I am not sure but I must have thought the bird got irritated and just had to get away for a few minutes and yell about all his problems but once again, the bird flew back to the post and just would not give up on the chirping.
Another bird appears in the bush and then another "baby" bird with her (yeah I said her because it was the mommy bird). Ok, all joking aside, we all know how the men of the family are not usually very patient and when it is time to get going, it is time to GET GOING!
My coffee is getting cold by this time but I am not about to get a warm-up and miss what may come next since I have four birds "ruining" my morning time with God. The adult bird in the bush keeps hopping around and nudging the baby birds and the "beautiful" papa bird is still chirping away. I am getting a handle on all of this and understand that papa bird has been sent out for food and everyone back in the nest is looking for his return. That has to be the real reason for all his constant chirping!
In what seemed like only a few seconds, the papa bird flew back to the bush, looked around and then following his lead, they all flew off. They didn't fly just to the post but rather soared into the morning sun breaking through to light the day. They did just what they had been created by God to do and instead of a bird disturbing my private time with God, He presented me with a private and spectacular gift of His creation.
In the telling of this story, you can tell I knew what was taking place. I had it all figured out much to the differing reality of what took place and by now, I hope you are wondering what this has to do with the title chosen for this blog.
The birds were created to fly and the male bird was not their to disturb me or to lure a predator from harming his young. He was there to encourage the children to do what they had been created to do; FLY! He would not let up because they had not accepted their reality of flight given to them by God.
God created you and I for His purpose and yet growing up, I had my wings clipped! Jesus came to set me free in Him and it is as if everyone teaching me about God would get out the clippers and clip a little more freedom from my life. I was told, "you can't do this," "you have to do it this way," "if you feel joy doing something we don't approve of you are being deceived by Satan," and the predator (Satan) is right there waiting to devour you if you don't do things just right."
I mentioned the passion for Christ before and I now know that I had my wings clipped for so long, I forgot that my purpose in creation was to fly free in Christ. I am glad I have attempted to shelve my clippers because possibly my children will be free to fly. Even in saying this, there is much more to the story because not only did the bird not keep his children in the nest, he would not let up with the encouragement to fly until they jumped off the limb in faith and grasp the reality of creation.
It won't be long until we get to our VBS and if we are not going to use every tool available to us for the cause of Christ, I would rather cancel it all together than pull out the clippers and keep our children from becoming what God created them to become. You might think this harsh but it was Jesus who gave us the warning about harming the children.
Go ahead, if you wish, and sharpen your clippers but count me out! I have been clipped so long I don't really know how to fly and I don't want the same results for our kids that we will get by doing the same things we have done in the past. It will be much more fun to jump from the limb together and fly off into creation waiting to see us take flight!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Gospel of Man vs Gospel of Christ
I believe we all have the goal of bringing the gospel to the lost and yet an important question in our lives goes unanswered year after year. How long will we attempt to maintain a gospel contrary to the gospel of Christ or how long can we keep a lie alive? Yes, brothers and sisters, I see us still bound by our tradition and even recognizing how far we have allowed our hearts to move away from God as we attempted to get things right, we continue to place the gospel creation of man above and foremost in front of the gospel of Christ.
Just take notice of how our youth, when given “permission” to clap (permission never needed) have been hesitant to engage in an expression of their joy in Christ? Our youth are condemned and told not to use any form of music in anything they do connected with the congregation that has instrumental music. I do not know the person or persons placing themselves higher than God who would demand such but I, the youth and many others know they are not reading from the Bible. Controlled by a spirit other than God, the doctrine of man known in the denomination of churches of Christ as the law of silence is making every attempt to keep the message of salvation from those who might benefit. We should never have told our children to read the bible because the courage and dedication to study for themselves has opened their eyes to the world of which I used to belong and now choose to speak against.
Our children fully acknowledge and understand the promotion of traditional (man-derived) beliefs over the Gospel of Christ because the message of scripture does not match the message they are receiving from us. While this has a very easy solution, we ask too much. I know, because I have been accused of being a man for a long time and the hardest thing for me to do as the MAN is stand up and say I was wrong. While I’m not afraid to say I was wrong on this topic, I would guess it may take another four or five thousand readings of the bible before it seems all of our family will be able to acknowledge the many things we hold to as a family simply are not stated in the bible.
I keep bringing up the issue of using the DVD provided with the VBS materials year after year and each time it has been forbidden. Time and time again it has crushed my spirit to see someone put themselves superior to the bible and forbid something taking place simply because a few people might find it objectionable. Leadership demands of us to step forward and speak truth instead of a lie we learned from our heritage. Without being acknowledged as tradition, we continue a lie and it is no wonder the lie we have been fed so long is tearing so many of us apart! We have a heritage in the early years of the church of people giving their lives for the cause of Christ and yet today, there are those unwilling to allow a DVD to play for the cause of Christ. Am I the only one who can imagine how proud this must make God of His children?
What are we willing to do for the cause of Christ? Tradition, just like the giant Goliath keeps stepping out day after day and challenging the people of God and we have not had David come forth to slay this giant! Instead, we have simply tried to make peace with Goliath with small concessions.
Has anyone ever considered why Christians think it necessary to ask permission to do something for the cause of Christ in our services or outside of our services? I hope I am wrong but I believe it is because we believe our congregation, for the cause of Christ, is only allowed to go so far in becoming all things to all people. We have even been given a list of things we will not do “under any circumstances.” For some reason, I would like to hear this statement made again much clearer and add because Christ is not IMPORTANT ENOUGH for us to make changes that might not feel right to some people.
It would be so easy to get all of this behind us and step out with the confidence of David and slay Goliath! This voice doesn’t have to come from one man because it can be a much stronger voice of all knowing the truth not allowing tradition to be presented as truth. Our teenagers are already aware of the lie but many more have “itching ears” to hear the same message delivered to them in their youth. Others still, are still looking in the books of our heritage to explain the creation of those things not taught by God but demanded by our fellowship.
If we allow it to happen, our “army” (like King Saul’s) will sit in our tents and consider our obedience to God. I hope and pray the David’s of our family will have courage and boldly take a stand against the force making us cower in fear away from God and allow God the fullness of our being while we have breath to serve.
Just take notice of how our youth, when given “permission” to clap (permission never needed) have been hesitant to engage in an expression of their joy in Christ? Our youth are condemned and told not to use any form of music in anything they do connected with the congregation that has instrumental music. I do not know the person or persons placing themselves higher than God who would demand such but I, the youth and many others know they are not reading from the Bible. Controlled by a spirit other than God, the doctrine of man known in the denomination of churches of Christ as the law of silence is making every attempt to keep the message of salvation from those who might benefit. We should never have told our children to read the bible because the courage and dedication to study for themselves has opened their eyes to the world of which I used to belong and now choose to speak against.
Our children fully acknowledge and understand the promotion of traditional (man-derived) beliefs over the Gospel of Christ because the message of scripture does not match the message they are receiving from us. While this has a very easy solution, we ask too much. I know, because I have been accused of being a man for a long time and the hardest thing for me to do as the MAN is stand up and say I was wrong. While I’m not afraid to say I was wrong on this topic, I would guess it may take another four or five thousand readings of the bible before it seems all of our family will be able to acknowledge the many things we hold to as a family simply are not stated in the bible.
I keep bringing up the issue of using the DVD provided with the VBS materials year after year and each time it has been forbidden. Time and time again it has crushed my spirit to see someone put themselves superior to the bible and forbid something taking place simply because a few people might find it objectionable. Leadership demands of us to step forward and speak truth instead of a lie we learned from our heritage. Without being acknowledged as tradition, we continue a lie and it is no wonder the lie we have been fed so long is tearing so many of us apart! We have a heritage in the early years of the church of people giving their lives for the cause of Christ and yet today, there are those unwilling to allow a DVD to play for the cause of Christ. Am I the only one who can imagine how proud this must make God of His children?
What are we willing to do for the cause of Christ? Tradition, just like the giant Goliath keeps stepping out day after day and challenging the people of God and we have not had David come forth to slay this giant! Instead, we have simply tried to make peace with Goliath with small concessions.
Has anyone ever considered why Christians think it necessary to ask permission to do something for the cause of Christ in our services or outside of our services? I hope I am wrong but I believe it is because we believe our congregation, for the cause of Christ, is only allowed to go so far in becoming all things to all people. We have even been given a list of things we will not do “under any circumstances.” For some reason, I would like to hear this statement made again much clearer and add because Christ is not IMPORTANT ENOUGH for us to make changes that might not feel right to some people.
It would be so easy to get all of this behind us and step out with the confidence of David and slay Goliath! This voice doesn’t have to come from one man because it can be a much stronger voice of all knowing the truth not allowing tradition to be presented as truth. Our teenagers are already aware of the lie but many more have “itching ears” to hear the same message delivered to them in their youth. Others still, are still looking in the books of our heritage to explain the creation of those things not taught by God but demanded by our fellowship.
If we allow it to happen, our “army” (like King Saul’s) will sit in our tents and consider our obedience to God. I hope and pray the David’s of our family will have courage and boldly take a stand against the force making us cower in fear away from God and allow God the fullness of our being while we have breath to serve.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Clothed In Christ, But Not Quite Sons of God!
You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:26-28
women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. 1 Corinthians 14:34
I have heard many speakers throughout my life in worship and while many of them are greatly gifted in the presentation of a lesson, it often falls flat from the lack of passion. I have been greatly blessed over the past few years because I see passion behind the message on a regular basis. Blessed as I have been, if I was ever given the chance, I would do everything within my power to have Beth Moore come deliver a message for us and make sure everyone in our area got an invitation. Just my thinking but I believe our building could easily be packed with over 500 people pushing to get in and hear her speak. While the youth of our world will not be so heavily influenced by our tradition, I don't see it happening any time soon because we can't seem to allow women the fullness of being sons of God!
As in my past, there are still many who, if asked, would simply admit, "I won't/can't do that for Christ," and so we continue to ignore some of the most passionate speakers for the cause of Christ. This post was almost called "Where Are The Passionate Preachers?"
While this post is not about Beth Moore, I have heard her speak in worship (not mine) and left greatly encouraged in my faith. I am glad that many of the women I know are studying her materials and gaining great insight into their walk with Christ.
The real reason for this post is the women in my life! I am surprised my wife's mother didn't kick me out of the house because the mean spirit of my traditional upbringing let her know early in our family association that I did not consider her prepared for heaven. I don't know if I told my mother-in-law that I knew she was going to hell but she knew I thought it! Knowing better now, I can't even imagine how I could have believed something so ridiculous since the fruit from her service to God was so evident. In the last weeks of her life, she was making hundreds of flower pens for the shut-ins who could not get out. Her skin was so fragile from the medicine and bandages that it would tear off and blood would stain the paper towels around her work area.
Her passion for Christ also came through towards the one who was basically condemning her for being Baptist and worse yet, playing piano during worship. She told my wife that she was glad her daugher was marrying a Christian man! See what I mean! She found love and acceptance for someone who condemned everything she stood for. When I look back now, I saw something every day I was in her house and I wish I could tell her how much better I understand now. She studied her Bible every day regardless of what was taking place and while I have marked passages in several bibles, several of her bibles have numerous comments and thoughts on almost every page! She had passion for Christ and while the lesson took a while to get through my thick skull, Christ was seen by me in her! I hope we would all like for someone to see Christ in us.
If this post had not been called as mentioned previously, it might have been something like Intellectual vs. Passion because in my life, I have often seen the intellectual side of Christianity modeled by men who prepare lessons for the adult classes and sermons. We study and "know" the material and I have to admit how this is a good thing. The hard thing to admit is that I would rather my passion for Christ show than any amount of knowledge I can show from research and reading. My confession has to be that the women in my life have always had more passion for Christ than myself and I pray this is just another "hang-up" from my past as I was raised to be the CEO of my house! I grew up having to be right because my salvation depended on being right and I didn't have time for passion.
Alright, I will get to the point! If this is only the case for one man, every other one is lucky from my point of view. If I am not alone, then where are we going to learn passion for Christ if we don't go to those where passion is burning so hot?
When I look around, I am surrounded by passion for Christ. My own wife has taken up her mother's place and is in her bible whether sickness or health and I have a daughter spending more of her own money to go on a mission trip to India than I probably even made in high school. Start naming those who are constantly serving the congregation and nothing of value seems to take place without the greatest Christian examples actually knowing AND LIVING the Bible!
I hope I can grow enough to show those with such passion for Christ how they are FULLY SONS OF GOD in my eyes and not something to be seen but not heard!
women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. 1 Corinthians 14:34
I have heard many speakers throughout my life in worship and while many of them are greatly gifted in the presentation of a lesson, it often falls flat from the lack of passion. I have been greatly blessed over the past few years because I see passion behind the message on a regular basis. Blessed as I have been, if I was ever given the chance, I would do everything within my power to have Beth Moore come deliver a message for us and make sure everyone in our area got an invitation. Just my thinking but I believe our building could easily be packed with over 500 people pushing to get in and hear her speak. While the youth of our world will not be so heavily influenced by our tradition, I don't see it happening any time soon because we can't seem to allow women the fullness of being sons of God!
As in my past, there are still many who, if asked, would simply admit, "I won't/can't do that for Christ," and so we continue to ignore some of the most passionate speakers for the cause of Christ. This post was almost called "Where Are The Passionate Preachers?"
While this post is not about Beth Moore, I have heard her speak in worship (not mine) and left greatly encouraged in my faith. I am glad that many of the women I know are studying her materials and gaining great insight into their walk with Christ.
The real reason for this post is the women in my life! I am surprised my wife's mother didn't kick me out of the house because the mean spirit of my traditional upbringing let her know early in our family association that I did not consider her prepared for heaven. I don't know if I told my mother-in-law that I knew she was going to hell but she knew I thought it! Knowing better now, I can't even imagine how I could have believed something so ridiculous since the fruit from her service to God was so evident. In the last weeks of her life, she was making hundreds of flower pens for the shut-ins who could not get out. Her skin was so fragile from the medicine and bandages that it would tear off and blood would stain the paper towels around her work area.
Her passion for Christ also came through towards the one who was basically condemning her for being Baptist and worse yet, playing piano during worship. She told my wife that she was glad her daugher was marrying a Christian man! See what I mean! She found love and acceptance for someone who condemned everything she stood for. When I look back now, I saw something every day I was in her house and I wish I could tell her how much better I understand now. She studied her Bible every day regardless of what was taking place and while I have marked passages in several bibles, several of her bibles have numerous comments and thoughts on almost every page! She had passion for Christ and while the lesson took a while to get through my thick skull, Christ was seen by me in her! I hope we would all like for someone to see Christ in us.
If this post had not been called as mentioned previously, it might have been something like Intellectual vs. Passion because in my life, I have often seen the intellectual side of Christianity modeled by men who prepare lessons for the adult classes and sermons. We study and "know" the material and I have to admit how this is a good thing. The hard thing to admit is that I would rather my passion for Christ show than any amount of knowledge I can show from research and reading. My confession has to be that the women in my life have always had more passion for Christ than myself and I pray this is just another "hang-up" from my past as I was raised to be the CEO of my house! I grew up having to be right because my salvation depended on being right and I didn't have time for passion.
Alright, I will get to the point! If this is only the case for one man, every other one is lucky from my point of view. If I am not alone, then where are we going to learn passion for Christ if we don't go to those where passion is burning so hot?
When I look around, I am surrounded by passion for Christ. My own wife has taken up her mother's place and is in her bible whether sickness or health and I have a daughter spending more of her own money to go on a mission trip to India than I probably even made in high school. Start naming those who are constantly serving the congregation and nothing of value seems to take place without the greatest Christian examples actually knowing AND LIVING the Bible!
I hope I can grow enough to show those with such passion for Christ how they are FULLY SONS OF GOD in my eyes and not something to be seen but not heard!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Throwing Out The Baby With The Bath Water
I know most of us have heard the expression of throwing out the baby with the bath water and yet in a congregational setting, this concept may actually keep us from doing the will of God. In case you don't know the story, the bath water collected and warmed for the family bath was used by the whole family and it was too much trouble to get fresh water for the bath of everyone and so the baby was the last one to have a bath and yes, it was in dirty water!
In my Christian heritage, we have attempted to use the same "bath water" for over 2000 years and those wishing to throw out the water and start fresh are often faced with the statement "we are not going to throw the baby out with the bath water." In other words, "this is the water that has made me clean and if good enough for me, it is good enough for everyone else." I/we have been so blinded by the bath water we call tradition, we can't see how few want to take a bath and the ones who do climb into our bath water are either left un-noticed in the filthy water to drown or they come out of the water stained (this is the way I and others have like them in the past) and bound with the chains of tradition.
Having had the opportunity to celebrate worship time with Baptists, Methodists, Lutherans, Catholics and many others when called upon to play my horn, I can tell you that this "demon" called tradition plagues all of us! No one wants to throw out tradition and if you know me very well, you know that singing songs with no music notes to follow is more "harmful" to my faith than the use of instruments might be to others and yet I have come to realize Mike is not and should not be the focus of what takes place in our services. In fact it is not my place or the place of any person in God's family to dictate for all what will and will not take place in our services. Instead, we all are called to LEAD spiritually by example of our loving heart placed firmly in the confidence of all that Christ has done!
The problem with my own life in the past and the lives of many today is how we are not willing to place our confidence in Christ since it may mean we have to take our confidence away from our tradition. Since creation, we have been instructed to have only one God in our lives and yet, like the Pharisees of Jesus day, we feel threatened by allowing Jesus to destroy our traditions. In my thinking, I can continue in my attempts to funnel those I can "hook" with my traditional pattern of doing church into my system of brain-washing or I can turn the tub over and make every attempt to become like the apostle Paul in his approach to becoming like Christ. His choice was to make whatever change was necessary to fit in with those he was trying to influence with the message of Christ coming into the world to save the lost. Paul did not say "I can't do this or I won't do that," but even to the point of offering and paying for a sin offering after the death of Christ, he became whatever was necessary to reach out with the message he had been given.
I am thankful each lifegroup in our fellowship has been given charge of periodic services throughout the year, and I would encourage all to follow the example of the apostle Paul and become whatever YOU think might be profitable to all. We all serve the same master and will all face the same master some day in judgment and Romans 14 tells me and everyone else to keep our mouth shut if it doesn't match up to what we believe is appropriate! I would encourage everyone in life not to filter the message of Christ through 2000+ years of tradition or seek permission to become what is necessary for the cause of Christ but rather, bravely select the stones from your nearest stream and step forth to slay the Goliath we all face in our lifes; a sinful lost world!
In my Christian heritage, we have attempted to use the same "bath water" for over 2000 years and those wishing to throw out the water and start fresh are often faced with the statement "we are not going to throw the baby out with the bath water." In other words, "this is the water that has made me clean and if good enough for me, it is good enough for everyone else." I/we have been so blinded by the bath water we call tradition, we can't see how few want to take a bath and the ones who do climb into our bath water are either left un-noticed in the filthy water to drown or they come out of the water stained (this is the way I and others have like them in the past) and bound with the chains of tradition.
Having had the opportunity to celebrate worship time with Baptists, Methodists, Lutherans, Catholics and many others when called upon to play my horn, I can tell you that this "demon" called tradition plagues all of us! No one wants to throw out tradition and if you know me very well, you know that singing songs with no music notes to follow is more "harmful" to my faith than the use of instruments might be to others and yet I have come to realize Mike is not and should not be the focus of what takes place in our services. In fact it is not my place or the place of any person in God's family to dictate for all what will and will not take place in our services. Instead, we all are called to LEAD spiritually by example of our loving heart placed firmly in the confidence of all that Christ has done!
The problem with my own life in the past and the lives of many today is how we are not willing to place our confidence in Christ since it may mean we have to take our confidence away from our tradition. Since creation, we have been instructed to have only one God in our lives and yet, like the Pharisees of Jesus day, we feel threatened by allowing Jesus to destroy our traditions. In my thinking, I can continue in my attempts to funnel those I can "hook" with my traditional pattern of doing church into my system of brain-washing or I can turn the tub over and make every attempt to become like the apostle Paul in his approach to becoming like Christ. His choice was to make whatever change was necessary to fit in with those he was trying to influence with the message of Christ coming into the world to save the lost. Paul did not say "I can't do this or I won't do that," but even to the point of offering and paying for a sin offering after the death of Christ, he became whatever was necessary to reach out with the message he had been given.
I am thankful each lifegroup in our fellowship has been given charge of periodic services throughout the year, and I would encourage all to follow the example of the apostle Paul and become whatever YOU think might be profitable to all. We all serve the same master and will all face the same master some day in judgment and Romans 14 tells me and everyone else to keep our mouth shut if it doesn't match up to what we believe is appropriate! I would encourage everyone in life not to filter the message of Christ through 2000+ years of tradition or seek permission to become what is necessary for the cause of Christ but rather, bravely select the stones from your nearest stream and step forth to slay the Goliath we all face in our lifes; a sinful lost world!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Absolute Truth vs "Absolute Truth"
Growing up in the church, one of the most disturbing comments made by believers is that someone is ignoring or leaving the truth of God. Once guilty of simply repeating what I had been taught, I would go around spreading the wickedness of condemnation on those who simply read the bible for themselves and were able to see behind the smoke screen of men creating commands of God when God would choose not to address a subject.
While I know I am not completely out of the bondage my fellowship placed on me in my youth, I am making every attempt to let others know the difference between absolute truth according to the bible and the wickedness of a misguided heart making claims of "absolute truth" not supported by the bible. I am forever greatful to great men of the faith who having walked the road much longer than myself have taken a stand for the real truth and made decisions in their teaching to expose the wickedness of those who would bind the teachings of men on others. One of the earliest to help me out of bondage was Lanier Stevens. With his help, I came to know the work of Al Maxey, Edward Fudge and Rick Atchley. I have seen wickedness in the hearts of many who claim openly how these men are leaving the will of God and teaching error in place of the scripture. My heart is deeply saddened when I see how far some have gone with no support of the bible to condemn the actions of these men.
While the bible speaks of putting to death whatever belongs to the earthly nature, sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, these men have created lists of their own as did the Pharisees of Jesus day. They would have us believe, and yes I was taught, that the use of musical instruments under any circumstance in the worship time equates to being sinful and leaving the truth of God. Yes, they have mixed the absolute truth of God with the "absolute truth" of man FOR GOD. The bible tells us in more than one place who will not have part in the kingdom at judgment and not once is it said that someone having musical instruments played in their auditorium will be excluded. In all fairness, the bible also does not say those using instruments will be welcomed in at judgment. Whether or not instruments should or should not be used is not a subject God chose to cover in what we refer to as the New Testament.
To the best of my ability I will help you with the absolute truth concerning musical instruments and what we call a worship service.
Absolute Truth About Instruments Being Used In Service
1. If I or anyone else says it is against the will of God for us to use musical instruments in our worship service, we are re-writing the bible for God to say something He does not say. It is easy to show where liars will not inherit the Kingdom of God so ask someone to point to an identical passaage stating those using instruments will not inherit the Kingdom of God.
2. If I or anyone claims that it is the will of God for us to use instruments, we are equally wrong for the same reason.
Conclusion: It is my belief that Christian men and women modeling the life of Christ in their lives should make their own personal decisions regarding this matter and honor God in their lives with their decision. Someone not wanting to worship with an instrument need only keep from picking one up and the one choosing to integrate the use in their worship should not look down on the one who chooses not to be a user.
I fully believe we stand against God and take our hearts far from Him if we choose to dictate our point of view as being the RIGHT choice for all.
While I know I am not completely out of the bondage my fellowship placed on me in my youth, I am making every attempt to let others know the difference between absolute truth according to the bible and the wickedness of a misguided heart making claims of "absolute truth" not supported by the bible. I am forever greatful to great men of the faith who having walked the road much longer than myself have taken a stand for the real truth and made decisions in their teaching to expose the wickedness of those who would bind the teachings of men on others. One of the earliest to help me out of bondage was Lanier Stevens. With his help, I came to know the work of Al Maxey, Edward Fudge and Rick Atchley. I have seen wickedness in the hearts of many who claim openly how these men are leaving the will of God and teaching error in place of the scripture. My heart is deeply saddened when I see how far some have gone with no support of the bible to condemn the actions of these men.
While the bible speaks of putting to death whatever belongs to the earthly nature, sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, these men have created lists of their own as did the Pharisees of Jesus day. They would have us believe, and yes I was taught, that the use of musical instruments under any circumstance in the worship time equates to being sinful and leaving the truth of God. Yes, they have mixed the absolute truth of God with the "absolute truth" of man FOR GOD. The bible tells us in more than one place who will not have part in the kingdom at judgment and not once is it said that someone having musical instruments played in their auditorium will be excluded. In all fairness, the bible also does not say those using instruments will be welcomed in at judgment. Whether or not instruments should or should not be used is not a subject God chose to cover in what we refer to as the New Testament.
To the best of my ability I will help you with the absolute truth concerning musical instruments and what we call a worship service.
Absolute Truth About Instruments Being Used In Service
1. If I or anyone else says it is against the will of God for us to use musical instruments in our worship service, we are re-writing the bible for God to say something He does not say. It is easy to show where liars will not inherit the Kingdom of God so ask someone to point to an identical passaage stating those using instruments will not inherit the Kingdom of God.
2. If I or anyone claims that it is the will of God for us to use instruments, we are equally wrong for the same reason.
Conclusion: It is my belief that Christian men and women modeling the life of Christ in their lives should make their own personal decisions regarding this matter and honor God in their lives with their decision. Someone not wanting to worship with an instrument need only keep from picking one up and the one choosing to integrate the use in their worship should not look down on the one who chooses not to be a user.
I fully believe we stand against God and take our hearts far from Him if we choose to dictate our point of view as being the RIGHT choice for all.
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