Thursday, April 30, 2009

Courage to Face Goliath Thank You Al!

I have often mentioned the need we have for David to step forth and face Goliath for the family of God and it is important for us to realize there are many stepping forth in the sandals of David to take up the challenge given to God's people on a daily basis. One of these men is an elder and preacher for the Church of Christ in Alamogordo, New Mexico named Al Maxey. To many in our congregation, he is a familiar contributor to our learning and spiritual growth because his Reflections come into our email accounts each week and are discussed and passed around to others.
Al has become a great source of encouragement and learning in my life since I took the challenge to actually read for myself and began to challenge many of the things I was taught as a child and I hope some day to stop by and visit with him in person so I can express my thankfulness face to face.

Since beginning his Reflection ministry a few years ago, he is getting close to writing his 400th Reflection which will probably come out right after he returns home from his vacation coming in May. Even as I second guess his plans, his amazing ability to reach deeply into serious study of some long held topics is most likely already focused on passing this milestone in his "leaving for vacation" reflection to the readers. In addition to all of these Reflections, he has written and participated in several written debates with men "claiming to have a complete handle on truth." (my view based on my reading) If you know of anyone struggling with the issue of Marriage, Divorce and Re-Marriage, he also has a book available with such detail I promise will bring peace and healing! I loaned someone my copy and hope it has been good news to someone with a broken heart. I can remember writing Al to tell him how I had told a young woman I did not want her going to hell and she just couldn't get married again. I told him how she told me "I guess I will just have to go to hell because I can't stand being so lonely!" My heart ached for her and after reading his book, I went back to her and apologized for the heart I thought was loving actually being so cruel to her.

I asked Al for permission to share his material and being the great warrior for God I have come to know, he gave his blessing. Knowing I was going to tell everyone about him, I did not really know how to begin until I read a recent Reflection The Swinging Door Church which can be read at

As with all of his writings, this work takes a look at the many things having plagued us for years and I would recommend it be read for everyone. If it were my groups turn to present the lesson on Sunday night, I would suggest we read this article to everyone. Better yet, I would be glad to read it on a Sunday morning where all might hear these words of wisdom.

Needless to say, Al has taken a great deal of persecution from those in our fellowship who can't stand to have their form of "perfected" Christianity challenged openly. There are those who have in my view pledged themselves to his destruction and would love nothing more than to see him placed on an actual cross for the "wicked" things he suggests in his writing. He is so hated by some that during the written debates, the congregations of churches would remove any links to his site, even when referenced to support his view instead of simply copying and pasting into the current discussion.

If you are not familiar with his work, I would encourage you to read not only the Reflection mentioned above but also take a look at his archive page found at and under topical index read what he has to say about the silence of scripture. After all, the only thing we can seem to argue about in church today are the things of which we are not given specific instruction. In fact, I believe you, like myself, will be impressed with the difference between specificity and silence.

Regardless of what you do with his material in your life, I will be forever appreciative of what he has done to help me grow my faith closer and more fully focused on the person instead of the elusive pattern I sought in my earlier years.



  1. You're not the SINGER, are you? [Sorry, I couldn't resist!]

    Seriously, I thought I'd leave you a note because something you said over on Maxey's site caught my eye. Something about encouragement from your daughter, right? Daughters are really special, aren't they? And daughters-in-law too, I'm finding out! I had a similar experience. I've only started in the last month too (like you?), with similar reasons. After I told my children about it my oldest daughter sent me a note and said, "HOORAY! I should have told you this before, but lot's of times I'm in conversations about church stuff, and my friends tell me, 'Chandra, what would your dad say about that?'" Wow. Talk about feeling good inside. So while your daughter encouraged you to START blogging, mine encouraged me to CONTINUE!
    If you get a minute, you might like to see my site? It's at

    May God bless your efforts to bring freedom, joy, and light to His world!


  2. Mark,
    Thanks and I will check it out. Paul told Timothy not to let anyone look down on him because he was young (my commentary) and yet we often neglect the wisdom of the untarnished child sleeping in the next room.
