Saturday, April 25, 2009

Clipping The Wings of Our Children

I can remember one weekend at Lake Texana as I sat outside my camper with a cup of coffee early in the morning to watch the sun come up. One of the most exciting aspects of camping is often found in the early hours of the morning just before the sun comes up to warm the day. On this morning, I got to see two baby birds learn to fly.

I was sitting there with the cup of coffee and the morning began with me slightly irritated at the fact the chirping of a bird was interfering with me telling God how wonderful the site was that I had selected for my camper. I can even remember the bird flying out to a post just to the right of the bush and continuing his constant chatter. It wasn't long until I noticed some rustling in the bush and I let myself consider a predator might be lurking in the bushes to eat the bird and possibly even how the older bird might actually be trying to lure the predator away from the nest. In a few short minutes, a bird still chirping a way, I noticed a small "baby" bird come out on the branch and hop around. You should have heard the chuckle in my heart as the bird would hop, flutter wings, flip almost upside-down and finally secure it's balance on the limb.

The first bird finally gave up on the chirping (for a little while) and flew back to the branch to hop around with the baby bird. I am not sure but I must have thought the bird got irritated and just had to get away for a few minutes and yell about all his problems but once again, the bird flew back to the post and just would not give up on the chirping.

Another bird appears in the bush and then another "baby" bird with her (yeah I said her because it was the mommy bird). Ok, all joking aside, we all know how the men of the family are not usually very patient and when it is time to get going, it is time to GET GOING!

My coffee is getting cold by this time but I am not about to get a warm-up and miss what may come next since I have four birds "ruining" my morning time with God. The adult bird in the bush keeps hopping around and nudging the baby birds and the "beautiful" papa bird is still chirping away. I am getting a handle on all of this and understand that papa bird has been sent out for food and everyone back in the nest is looking for his return. That has to be the real reason for all his constant chirping!

In what seemed like only a few seconds, the papa bird flew back to the bush, looked around and then following his lead, they all flew off. They didn't fly just to the post but rather soared into the morning sun breaking through to light the day. They did just what they had been created by God to do and instead of a bird disturbing my private time with God, He presented me with a private and spectacular gift of His creation.

In the telling of this story, you can tell I knew what was taking place. I had it all figured out much to the differing reality of what took place and by now, I hope you are wondering what this has to do with the title chosen for this blog.

The birds were created to fly and the male bird was not their to disturb me or to lure a predator from harming his young. He was there to encourage the children to do what they had been created to do; FLY! He would not let up because they had not accepted their reality of flight given to them by God.

God created you and I for His purpose and yet growing up, I had my wings clipped! Jesus came to set me free in Him and it is as if everyone teaching me about God would get out the clippers and clip a little more freedom from my life. I was told, "you can't do this," "you have to do it this way," "if you feel joy doing something we don't approve of you are being deceived by Satan," and the predator (Satan) is right there waiting to devour you if you don't do things just right."

I mentioned the passion for Christ before and I now know that I had my wings clipped for so long, I forgot that my purpose in creation was to fly free in Christ. I am glad I have attempted to shelve my clippers because possibly my children will be free to fly. Even in saying this, there is much more to the story because not only did the bird not keep his children in the nest, he would not let up with the encouragement to fly until they jumped off the limb in faith and grasp the reality of creation.

It won't be long until we get to our VBS and if we are not going to use every tool available to us for the cause of Christ, I would rather cancel it all together than pull out the clippers and keep our children from becoming what God created them to become. You might think this harsh but it was Jesus who gave us the warning about harming the children.

Go ahead, if you wish, and sharpen your clippers but count me out! I have been clipped so long I don't really know how to fly and I don't want the same results for our kids that we will get by doing the same things we have done in the past. It will be much more fun to jump from the limb together and fly off into creation waiting to see us take flight!


  1. Ya gotta read The Shack! It has a beautiful description of this...

  2. Ronna,
    Funny you should mention it but Linda has been trying to get me to read that one for some time now and it is what made me think of the birds in Lake Texana. If it is that close, I should give William Young credit for my thoughts.

  3. Maybe you can get him to read it, Ronna. But I know that once he does, he will be glad he did. I enjoyed it very much, though it really made me think! I wonder if there are those who condem the book for being un-scriptural! If many of our brotherhood condem Max Lucado as evil, The Shack might send some of them into a coronary!

  4. Linda,
    As always, when I take your advice I am pleased. It was a great book and possibly the first book really giving a good example of how I think we should live our relationship with God.

  5. What a great story. It's never to late to take a leap of faith. We worry so about the fall, we fail to leap, but there is a time for everything. Perhaps God is working in this way in your life to accomplish His will and fulfill a greater purpose. Just allow His working, just make sure it HIM!

  6. RD,
    Your last comment is one I think we all struggle with when doing something. In fact, I think it influences too many of us to sit back and do nothing. I know I question all of the time as to whether it is God leading me or my own selfish desires. Knowing that I am going to make mistakes in my walk, I have decided I would rather be doing something "in his name" than sitting back trying to decide if God wants me to do something. I appreciate your comments and you touched a great nerve I think we all have. By the way, do you remember all of the raccoons making a mess of meal we put in your truck to take to the trash cans "later?" I guess it is better to do things now instead of later!

  7. Mike, I am almost finished with the Shack. I can tell you, it scared me at first. I put it down but then picked it back up just yesterday and I am almost finished with it. It really makes you think. I was just afraid to jump off the branch, but I am glad that I did. love to all

  8. Errol,
    I would love to hear what you have to say about the relationship and the various interactions between. Papa, Sarayu, and Jesus. It really made me think and I'm not sure how I would still define what I read about the relationship that exists in the Godhead and how we can have relationship with them in the way I understood from reading. I was amazed!

  9. Mike, it's Suzanne that is reading the Shack. Errol is only on Chapter 1. But, I'm sure he will let you know his opinion when he gets finished. suzanne

  10. Suzanne,
    Well, you will have to give me your opinion of what is said about the relationships. I was impressed and I think I know why Linda read it twice. So much to think about in the interactions between them. I also like how it talks about God limiting Himself and Jesus limiting Himself.

  11. Mike,

    If you act without knowing it is from God, it's like shooting a gun without taking aim, you will probably miss the target. You can know if is the Holy Spirit leading, I believe you do, for if it lines up with His word, it's God driven. Even mistakes are used for the good, so you are correct.

    Yes I do remember the coons, and whether we would have dropped it in the can or taken the easy way out and thrown it in the back of my truck, the outcome would have been the same. God sent his people out without knowing where their next meal would come from, but their faith was rewarded. Yours will be too.

    I'm glad to see the boldness in your message. It is clear, to me at least, you are lead of the Holy Spirit. How far will you go? How far will any of us really go? I say, without fear of losing ones life, for we have life eternal already, do like Paul said, to push on toward the ultimate goal. Yes, you are following the Holy Spirit. Don't get too comfortable!

  12. As many of you know Ronna has been pushing 'The Shack' ever since she read it. I can tell you that when I finally picked it up it was hard to put down.

    Mike, I do think that the Holy Spirit is leading us in this push to disregard many of these man-made laws that are holding so many of us back. It is my prayer that God will continue to lead you and me through these times and that we will be able to set our children free to simply love God and worship Him as He intended. I too have spent many mornings in the woods, watching everything from baby rabbits to bobcats, to owls and even snakes. It never ceases to amaze me that I have never seen an animal carrying a suitcase or even a fanny-pack. They live in harmony with God in nature and true to His word, God has provided all their needs.

    One of the reasons we struggle so much is that we are trying too hard, when we should be trusting God and turning over everything to Him. Many of you already know since HP took over EDS we have been asked to accept a pay cut of 15% for the month of April. My first response was “we can make it on 100% how are we going to do it on 85%”. This was a lesson that God was using to teach us how to trust him. We did make several adjustments in our budget, the first one was actually creating one, but God has provided. I have been openly critical of many leaders in our congregation for not trusting God with the building project and spending too much time planning and worrying about the money. Looking back I think God wanted me to have this lesson personally so I would not be so critical. The good news is that God is faithful and he does keep His word and He does take care of our needs.

    What is our next step? I have to believe that God does not want us to worry about what others think or say or even what they do. Maybe we should just do what Jesus did and what Paul did, they went through life doing good to all and serving others. Maybe our next steps need to be just that, steps. We don’t need to have another meeting to discuss how best to serve God, we don’t need to pull all our resources together to see what we can do for God. Just writing this I think God is having a little laugh. God does not need our resources, He created the world, He owns all the resources. God does not need our plans, He already has a plan and His plan has already worked. He just needs our hearts. Just like Jesus said “love the Lord your God with all your heart, your soul and your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself”.

    God, give us the strength to encourage others. Give us the ability and opportunity to serve everyone, and give us the knowledge and wisdom to see Your will not our own. Lord, guide our minds, our hearts and our feet as we walk through this life in Your service. Amen.

  13. Clay,
    I appreciate your comments and you are a wonderful leader to so many in faith and encouragement. I echo your feeling and hope our children simply won't feel a need out of our selfishness to hold on to the things we have been forced over the years to hold on to. In my selfishness, I don't want to change but have finally realized that I am part of the final stages of the vapor we call life and the kids are probably just beginning to rise. I want them free to become in worship whatever it takes to place themselves close to God.

  14. WOW Clay! WOW. I haven't heard it put so well, ever. First and foremost we are to love. I see Patrick Mead is on your heart and I think we need to put his words and ideas into practice, that's a start. So gald to call you my brother.
