Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Why Is It So Hard?

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death. Romans 8:1-2

Throughout my life, I have been instructed on how straight the path was and how narrow the gate if I was to be accepted by God to enter heaven. The passage above gave me no confidence since it was so easy to fall out of favor with God and lose my salvation. While I think it may be foolish to believe we do not have the ability to be lost, I no longer think it is as easy as I once thought. In fact, as I heard preached not long ago, I grew up believing it was not so much a possibility but a probability and now, aware of the possibility, I live in no fear because the probability is I will be there with the rest of you reading this post.

Knowing we have no condemnation, why then is it so hard to keep ourselves from condemning others in their worship or praise to God. My own life serves as my example of this problem. I can remember the occasion last year when a worship leader from the Fort Bend area was invited to come lead singing and praise one evening in our congregation. When I got to service that evening, I saw the microphones, the speakers, the singers walking around with their music and my evening was ruined! I can remember sitting down and when the first song came up and there were no notes I was even further devastated by what was taking place. I got up out of my seat and spent the rest of the time sitting in my van upset that anyone would let this take place.

Here I am knowing on an intellectual level that nothing is wrong with what took place and yet I took it as a personal attack on me and had a variety of mixed feelings about how unhappy I would be if our congregation chose to follow this lead and make changes necessary for this to continue. When I look back at the incident now, I can see how little value my heart had towards God and His children on that specific evening. My heart was so far from God, I can almost hear Him say "why have you forsaken me?" My selfishness (what I like) was more important on that evening than a Christian heart set on putting others ahead of myself. I probably even went to one of the elders and told them how I felt about this taking place and now I wish they had looked me in the eye like Jesus and told me "since there is nothing wrong with what they were doing the problem could only lie within my own heart."

The solution to my heart problem was to focus my condemnation back on the heart taken so far from being a loving heart wanting to put others first! For some reason it seems it is only a good thing to put others first when it agrees with our own selfish desires. While I get a "sick" feeling just considering the possibility, it would be a good thing for my faith to have this happen again. You see, my prejudice against what I don't like is actually strengthened by getting my way and being allowed to enjoy what I am used to experiencing when I come to worship God on "my terms."

Some have asked me why I am writing these things and if my purpose is to push our congregation one way or the other away from our traditions and the answer is much to involved probably to make much since in print. I have become disappointed in the way we have come to treat our traditions as being the "gospel of Christ" and yet if it is my choice, there would be no change! I like things the way I grew up having them done. I am trapped in my tradition and until change is forced on me by those not trapped like myself, I will enjoy services like they have always existed.

What I do wish to see changed is our approach to those things that would trap future generations of those loving God who might not want to carry on my tradition. I was made to feel guilty and some would still have me feel guilty for doing something "not authorized" by the bible. I wish to see the youth of our congregation grow up with out these same chains and when they get to make decisions, I would like to know the decisions they make are a result of a heart placed in love near to the heart of God and not because someone else demanded the selfish desires of their own heart.

If we are going to empower future generations to love God fully, we are going to have to upset Mike's cart once in a while. When Mike comes forward and says "are you going to let that happen" or "I didn't get anything out of service today," we need to respond appropriate to Mike's heart needing some work. The tradition is not what is important but rather the loving heart helping a misguided heart to grow their faith. Yes, this is a blog about Mike's Growing Faith and the desired purpose is to write about things in my life which have promoted or changed my faith. I desperately believe we need open discussion about so many things in all of our lives and I believe each of us has something we picked up in our past which just seems would be the "last straw" for us in the congregation. Help me with my heart and I will try to help you with yours!


  1. Wonderful message. I think we all have little things that we struggle with and that seems to get us off track from time to time. If we remember to focus on the LOVE of God and know that we are all striving to live Godly lives, the path becomes more clear. I constantly struggle with the thought of, "Am I worshiping the way God intends?" My prayers are with you...

  2. kj7,
    It is just my opinion, but I think many of us worry too much about worshiping the way God intends instead of just giving Him our heart and being all that we can be for Him!

  3. Mike,

    I'm a little confused, so if my comments seem off, that's why.

    First, I don't think we understand what it means to worship the way God intends; therefore, we interpret. There in lies the problem, MAN.

    Second, I think I would need to talk to you in person to see the angle of this message; it seems a little depressing to me. I wonder what you really mean by "not authorized, by the bible." Which bible are you referring? Version? The ORGINAL king james? Perhaps the "Bible Code" Which is correct and/or authorized, and by whom? Careful, the Holy Spirit reveals His message to accomplish His purposes. Question: Do you need the bible to believe in God? If not, what do you need?

    Third, God does not change!

    Fourth, our children desprately need our leadership, they need to be a witness to our strength, integrity, and our devotion to God.

    Simply, we don't need church as a place of worship. We need the church (us, the Body of Christ) to demonstrate worship in everything, every part of our lives, utilizing our gifts freely, and "pray w/o ceasing".

    I appreciate, this is a blog about your growing faith, but we will all suffer until Christ returns for the third time. Maybe fouth, depending on how you look at it.

    And oh, I can still put you in a headlock, if necessary!

    I love you Bro. and think you are moving in a powerful direction, but remember what Spider Man's uncle told him. I'm with you.

  4. RD,
    Great comments and they do not seem off at all. While we will have a face to face soon, the "not authorized" has been a catch phrase of Christians for a long time now. Basically, it means "if you don't agree with me you are wrong!" I agree with everything you wrote with possibly the exception of the headlock.

  5. RD,
    I am a little more off the wall on one of your questions that I did not notice for the first comment. No, I don't think we need the bible to believe in God. In fact, I am of the belief right now in my life that God has supplied every thing we need to be able to believe in Him and it can take place without the bible and without someone telling me in person.

  6. Dunt, dunt, dun... HEadlock I won't to see that. But that last comment is the one I'm refereing to (Yeah I know it is spelt wrong). I agree with that, God has showed us everything we need to beleive whether His name is GOD or something else someone else calls him. I think of the unknown God mentioned in the bible, they knew there was somehthing greater out there and (Paul I think not sure) used there unknown God. We don't need the Name "GOD" to beleive or the bible as witnessed around the world.

  7. Lindsay,
    I am so proud of you and your willingness to open yourself up to hear God speak. Most people seems to think God only spoke to those in biblical times and I think he still speaks to those who have ears to hear.
