Friday, April 24, 2009

Gospel of Man vs Gospel of Christ

I believe we all have the goal of bringing the gospel to the lost and yet an important question in our lives goes unanswered year after year. How long will we attempt to maintain a gospel contrary to the gospel of Christ or how long can we keep a lie alive? Yes, brothers and sisters, I see us still bound by our tradition and even recognizing how far we have allowed our hearts to move away from God as we attempted to get things right, we continue to place the gospel creation of man above and foremost in front of the gospel of Christ.

Just take notice of how our youth, when given “permission” to clap (permission never needed) have been hesitant to engage in an expression of their joy in Christ? Our youth are condemned and told not to use any form of music in anything they do connected with the congregation that has instrumental music. I do not know the person or persons placing themselves higher than God who would demand such but I, the youth and many others know they are not reading from the Bible. Controlled by a spirit other than God, the doctrine of man known in the denomination of churches of Christ as the law of silence is making every attempt to keep the message of salvation from those who might benefit. We should never have told our children to read the bible because the courage and dedication to study for themselves has opened their eyes to the world of which I used to belong and now choose to speak against.

Our children fully acknowledge and understand the promotion of traditional (man-derived) beliefs over the Gospel of Christ because the message of scripture does not match the message they are receiving from us. While this has a very easy solution, we ask too much. I know, because I have been accused of being a man for a long time and the hardest thing for me to do as the MAN is stand up and say I was wrong. While I’m not afraid to say I was wrong on this topic, I would guess it may take another four or five thousand readings of the bible before it seems all of our family will be able to acknowledge the many things we hold to as a family simply are not stated in the bible.

I keep bringing up the issue of using the DVD provided with the VBS materials year after year and each time it has been forbidden. Time and time again it has crushed my spirit to see someone put themselves superior to the bible and forbid something taking place simply because a few people might find it objectionable. Leadership demands of us to step forward and speak truth instead of a lie we learned from our heritage. Without being acknowledged as tradition, we continue a lie and it is no wonder the lie we have been fed so long is tearing so many of us apart! We have a heritage in the early years of the church of people giving their lives for the cause of Christ and yet today, there are those unwilling to allow a DVD to play for the cause of Christ. Am I the only one who can imagine how proud this must make God of His children?

What are we willing to do for the cause of Christ? Tradition, just like the giant Goliath keeps stepping out day after day and challenging the people of God and we have not had David come forth to slay this giant! Instead, we have simply tried to make peace with Goliath with small concessions.

Has anyone ever considered why Christians think it necessary to ask permission to do something for the cause of Christ in our services or outside of our services? I hope I am wrong but I believe it is because we believe our congregation, for the cause of Christ, is only allowed to go so far in becoming all things to all people. We have even been given a list of things we will not do “under any circumstances.” For some reason, I would like to hear this statement made again much clearer and add because Christ is not IMPORTANT ENOUGH for us to make changes that might not feel right to some people.

It would be so easy to get all of this behind us and step out with the confidence of David and slay Goliath! This voice doesn’t have to come from one man because it can be a much stronger voice of all knowing the truth not allowing tradition to be presented as truth. Our teenagers are already aware of the lie but many more have “itching ears” to hear the same message delivered to them in their youth. Others still, are still looking in the books of our heritage to explain the creation of those things not taught by God but demanded by our fellowship.

If we allow it to happen, our “army” (like King Saul’s) will sit in our tents and consider our obedience to God. I hope and pray the David’s of our family will have courage and boldly take a stand against the force making us cower in fear away from God and allow God the fullness of our being while we have breath to serve.


  1. Mike,
    I believe there is a large group who know that the most important thing is a loving relationship with a God who wants more than anything to fellowship them. This is sooo much more than rules and rituals. (And funny, obedience to Him falls right in line) Maybe, just maybe, it's time to TRULY be silent where the scripture is silent and listen to where God REALLy does speak. If we will STUDY God's word, truly and without our learned biases, we may find that the doctrines we fervently teach are not the same gospel taught by Paul, Peter or even Jesus. With serious study, we may even come to the conclusion that maybe God was silent because some things just aren't important. We need to re-focus and make it our mission to spread the gospel of the creator who sacrificed himself for His creation.

    Our children will not turn away from THAT fact most of them aren't now...they are turning away from our isolationism and our lack of love for the lost. They are no longer content to sit in a pew on Sunday while the world goes to Hell around them...and we should not be either.

  2. By the "obedience fall right in line" I mean that when we strive to love Christ and accept His love back...obedience flows naturally out of that. Yes.. we will err but our focus will be on loving God better and doing His will...

  3. Wow, that was good. Thanks for the encouragement towards the youth. I like the David and Goliath Analogy and how we are just trying to make peace with our giant instead of slaying it like David. It stopped and made me think cause I like the idea of peace throughout the church, but as the youth read in the 6 oclock study wed. Solomon's wives who worshiped many different God's brought solomon down to where his life ends in 1st Kings and a couple of weeks ago tuesday when we studyed the passage about children and causing them to fall. I'm just writing some thoughts down. I like your point!! these are just somethings I tied to it in my mind.

  4. Ronna and Lindsay,
    I appreciate the comments and your love for God! To Ronna, I think I see something very important in your post. Knowing I am going to fail in my obedience to God, I would rather fail in detail than fail to have a loving heart of God risking all to save the lost. To Lindsay, I am so sad that it has been my mission of the past and is still the mission of some today to put the brakes on the passion our youth have for Christ. Just my thoughts but your youth group is an indictment against those of us adults sitting back to worship a "formula" set up by our ancestors who I honestly believe had good intentions. It is just too easy to believe a lie and not study for ourselves. I am so proud of your group taking the initiative to be passionate Christians and I am saddened we kept all of you from successfully evangelizing Deer Park.

  5. Mike,
    Excellent thoughts and words we can all use. Please don’t be too hard on yourself, instead let me encourage you to keep working for what you now know to be truth. I was raised in the Church of Christ and I too held onto many of these traditions too long. It is good to have a great example like yourself stand up and answer the call of Goliath for the cause of Christ. I ask that all of you pray for me as I would like to answer that call as well, but find myself sitting back waiting on the peace instead of standing for God. I ask everyone to pray for me and pray for our congregation, specifically our elders and leaders as they seek to lead us.

  6. Clay,
    I appreciate your comments and will pray for all you mentioned. All of the strength in Saul's camp were afraid of Goliath and I bet they were saddened to see a "foolish" little boy go out and do what they should have done. I try not to be so hard on myself but I am upset how I just blindly accepted all of the reasoning that was done to twist scripture into saying what I was begin told. I didn't spend the time in the bible like our kids are doing until the last few years. It would have been easy to understand but I was too lazy to do the work myself. You are an awesome example for Christ and the kids are getting so much guidance to be like our savior from you and Ronna.

  7. Mike, I am really enjoying your blog!

  8. Mike, you probably don't mean we can save the lost; we cannot save anyone! Only Christ saves. That take a lot of burden off our shoulders. Our responsibility is to proclaim the Gospel; you blog is only one method to proclaim the Gospel. I don't even really believe anyone can stop the evangelizing of the community, God's Will trumpts all our efforts and He will see to evangelizing even if man refuses. I think the key is to fulfull the first commandment as noted in Mark 12:30-31 "... love the Lord you God with all your heart, ....and the second ... love your neighbor as yourself." God will work out the rest. Amen.
    Boy, there is so much I could preach on with all these comments, but Holy Spirit is not leading at the moment to do so. I just know whenever we say the words, I, me, we, us, then all of sudden we take on that burden; let God.
    Great job Mike, keep it up. It is truly God inspiring for me.

  9. RD,
    You read with great wisdom and yes, we may think it is our job to save the lost but Christ completed that goal many years ago. The church has not been stopped in all these years and the world is still being evangelized for God so we can't event prevent that much. Oddly enough, we beleive we have so much power and yet we are nothing. I finished reading the Shack this weekend and the question was asked in the book as to whether God had any expectations of us and his answer was "I already know what you will do so there is no expectation."

  10. I guess I need to read this book. I agree completely.

  11. From what you have told me, I think you will like it.
